OLYMPIA – A report on car tab payment options is available to the public now. The Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) received legislative direction to convene a Vehicle Registration Payment Options Workgroup to analyze payment options for vehicle fees and publish a report. “I appreciate the approach we took to analyze this issue,” said Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest), who spearheaded the effort during the 2020 legislative session in response to requests from her community. “We used surveys and focus groups to center community members and hear from those directly affected.” The JTC contracted with BERK Consulting to study the ...
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Sen. Andy Billig (D-Spokane) was re-elected Senate Majority Leader on Friday, a position he has held since first being selected by his colleagues for the post in November 2018. Sen. Bob Hasegawa (D-Seattle) was selected Caucus Chair for the second time. Both were elected by acclamation. Billig begins his third term as majority leader. During his tenure, the Spokane lawmaker has seen the Senate pass landmark legislation to improve childcare, K-12 education, voting access, tax reform, gun safety, climate action, health care and much more. Under Billig’s leadership, the Legislature has adjourned on time five sessions in a row without ...
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A recently published Washington State report found a significant gap in homeownership among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color compared to their white community members. The report is a culmination of many months of findings from the Homeownership Disparities Work Group, which was funded by the Legislature in 2021. State Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Tacoma) was among the lawmakers advocating for the funding.
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After a 13-year-old boy died in a fatal biking accident amid an uptick in traffic fatalities, State Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest) hosted fellow transportation leaders for an advocate roundtable as part of a listening tour on improving road safety. On July 19, Michael Weilert had entered the crosswalk near Pacific Avenue and 134th Street South after activating the crosswalk signal, but a motorist failed to yield to the signal.
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State Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-28) joined the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) last week for its proposal to provide school meals at no cost to all Washington students. “When kids don't have to think about an empty stomach, they can focus on learning,” said Nobles. “When kids have that freedom, they are healthier, do better in school, and have better relationships with friends and family. Enabling all Washington students to eat school meals free of charge is a tremendous step forward for stronger, healthier communities."
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TACOMA—Sen. T’wina Nobles releases the following statement as a response to the tragic and fatal shooting of a 14-year-old girl in her neighboring district.
“We, as a community, have been inundated with tragedies. Earlier this week, a 14-year-old girl was fatally shot just blocks from where I work in Tacoma. I, like many of our community members, am overwhelmed with grief and frustration. This incident was one of several senseless shootings that have happened around our country in recent days. “In moments of such tragedy, I recognize the role as part of an elected body we have in the ...Read More

Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig released the statement below following the US Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v Jackson: “Today’s radical Supreme Court decision is wildly out-of-step with the vast majority of all Americans and certainly Washingtonians. “And let me be absolutely clear – while I’m proud of all we have done to protect these rights here in our state, they remain in place only because Democrats in the legislature are protecting them and have beaten back countless Republican attempts to undermine and end them.
“People concerned about losing access to abortion have the opportunity to ensure ...
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OLYMPIA — Sen. Annette Cleveland has released the following statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning a half a century of settled law and overriding the nation’s landmark Roe v. Wade ruling: “As a woman and as a lifelong advocate for reproductive choice, I was appalled to see the Court reverse 50 years of legal precedents that protect the right to choose. “The right to an abortion has been settled law for generations. When the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down in 1973, my grandmother shared with me the importance and life changing impact it would ...
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Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig on Tuesday released the statement below in response to the apparent impending overturning by the US Supreme Court of the landmark Roe v Wade decision which for nearly 50 years has guaranteed constitutionally protected abortion rights: "In Washington state, our Democratic majorities have reinforced laws that guarantee a woman's right to an abortion. But even though our state was prepared for this erosion of rights, now that this moment has apparently arrived, it is no less shocking. For the majority of my life, I have watched the Supreme Court expand and reinforce ...
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Citing “strong fiscal governance” and “strong fiscal management practices,” the nation’s top credit rating agencies agree that the work of Washington’s budget writers should result in the state maintaining its strong credit ratings. Moody’s (Aaa), S&P (AA+) and Fitch (AA+) pointed to Washington’s fiscal management, forecasting system and high budget reserves among the reasons for their decision to award the state strong credit ratings in their latest assessments. (Read the Moody's report here) Washington has retained a top credit rating among states despite pandemic-related challenges to the global supply chain and inflationary pressures. Senate and House budget writers and ...
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