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See if you qualify for the Working Families Tax Credit!

See if you qualify for the Working Families Tax Credit!

I have some wonderful news for families in our community! The Working Families Tax Credit is live and for families that qualify, this credit could provide up to a $1,200 cash refund. Approximately 400,000 households in our state may be eligible. To find out if your family is one of them, please follow this link to visit the Department of ...

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Please stay in touch during interim!

Please stay in touch during interim!

Legislative work continues year round, and if my office can ever assist you with an issue or a question about most anything impacting you, your family or our South Tacoma community, you can find all of our contact information here. While our work for you will continue, the way we communicate will change for the next several months. Because of ...

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Charity Care will make healthcare more affordable for people across our state

Charity Care will make healthcare more affordable for people across our state

Far too many Washingtonians and just one medical diagnosis away from financial ruin. It’s so important that we as legislators look for ways to drive down costs and ensure that if someone does get sick, they’re able to recover both their health and their financial security. This issue is why I was such an enthusiastic ‘yes’ vote on House Bill ...

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Pierce County, City of Tacoma offers rental, utility assistance

Pierce County, City of Tacoma offers rental, utility assistance

As we continue to recover from the impacts of the pandemic, many of our friends and neighbors in our community are struggling to make ends meet. One of the priorities of budget writers was to make sure that people in communities throughout Washington can afford the basics, and there’s nothing more essential than being able to afford rent and utilities. Thanks to ...

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Conway: Warehouse safety bill would prevent injuries on the job

Conway: Warehouse safety bill would prevent injuries on the job

OLYMPIA — Washington warehouse workers would gain basic safety protections in an effort to prevent increasing on-the-job injury rates, under a bill filed today by Sen. Steve Conway (D-Tacoma). SB 5891 would prohibit quotas that prevent workers from being able to go to the bathroom or taking meal or rest breaks. It would also require that businesses are honest ...

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Weigh in on Washington’s broken tax structure Nov. 3

Weigh in on Washington’s broken tax structure Nov. 3

It’s well documented that Washington’s tax structure is the most unfair in the nation. I was proud to voice my support this year for a Capital Gains Tax and for the Working Families Tax Credit. By adopting these policies we are asking the wealthiest Washingtonians to pay their fair share, and help those struggling to make ends meet ...

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WA Cares helps Washington’s workforce prepare for the future

WA Cares helps Washington’s workforce prepare for the future

All of us will reach a moment in our lives, or in the life of a parent when we will need to make tough decisions about the costs associated with aging. In 2019 the Legislature took steps to help Washington’s workforce better save for the sometimes very high costs associated with growing older. That year we established the nation’s first public long-term ...

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Sen. Conway presents award, attends grand opening of Orting Veterans Village

Sen. Conway presents award, attends grand opening of Orting Veterans Village

Sen. Steve Conway recently attended the grand opening of the Orting Veterans Village, a tiny house community of 35 homes that serves veterans experiencing homelessness. Conway was also on hand to present the Quixote Champion Award to Larry Geringer, President of the Puget Sound Veterans Hope Center, for his role in bringing the Orting Veterans Village project to fruition. Conway has long ...

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Big civic improvements on the way for south Tacoma

Big civic improvements on the way for south Tacoma

The passage of the Capital Construction budget in the Washington State Legislature means several civic improvements will soon be on the way to neighborhoods in south Tacoma. The Capital Construction budget, a $6.3 billion investment in communities across Washington in things like broadband, housing, environmental cleanup and countless civic projects in communities across the state, received unanimous, bipartisan support during the ...

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Rental assistance for our Pierce County neighbors in need

Rental assistance for our Pierce County neighbors in need

We all hope that we are nearing the end of the pandemic, but the ravages of Covid-19 in terms of job loss and income instability are still with us. The Legislature passed several laws to help tenants stay in their homes and the Governor has done his part as well with an eviction moratorium. If you are a person living in Pierce ...

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