Senator Steve Conway
29th Legislative District
Senator Steve Conway has served the 29th Legislative District since 1993, first as a State Representative for 18 years, and then as a Senator since 2011. In addition to serving in a leadership role as Vice President Pro Tempore, he serves on the Labor & Commerce, Ways & Means, and Health & Long-Term Care committees.

Sen. Steve Conway
A long-time political activist and enthusiast, Senator Conway has been involved in politics since his college years. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon, earning a Masters and Doctoral degree in history and serving as a Fulbright Fellow at the London School of Economics.
Prior to his election to the legislature, Senator Conway was employed as a business agent for the United Food and Commercial Worker’s Union, Local 81. During that time, he worked to secure living wages, safe workplaces and equitable benefits for countless working people and their families.
Taking the lead of his constituents, Senator Conway has established an expansive policy agenda. He prides himself on being a spokesperson for working families, champion of collective bargaining rights, and a firm believer that workers’ rights are human rights. Throughout his career, he has focused on protecting the health care, working conditions, and retirement benefits of Washington’s workforce.
When he is not serving the constituents of the 29th in Olympia, Steve enjoys spending time with his family. He and his wife Georgia, a retired Children’s Specialist for the Tacoma Public Library system, have been married since 1968. They have two sons and four grandchildren.
Awards, Recognitions & Certificates
1993 WSLC Rep. of the Year
1996 WA Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs, crystal free standing
1997 Voc. Tech. Education
1997 WSCFF Honorary Firefighter
1998 WSLC Rep. of the Year
1999 UW Hearing Research Ctr.
1999 WA St. Patrol, free standing
1999 WA Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs, crystal free standing
2000 Paralyzed Veterans
2000 Bates Tech. Col. for HB 3077
2001 WA State Nurses Assn., Leg. of the Year
2001 NCSL San Antonio
2001 Enduring Spirit, firefighter figuring
2001 WPPW
2002 WMF Small Business Incubator
2002 WA State Council on Problem Gambling
2002 WSLC Rep. of the Year
2003 WA State School Retiree’s, Excellence Award
2003 Assn. of Plumbers, Pipefitters & Sprinkler fitters
2003 America in Solidarity, pledge
2003 WA Coalition for Tribal Self- Reliance
2004 Tacoma TEA Cert. of Appreciation
2004 WFSE George Masten Courage Award
2004 UAW
2004 WA State School Retiree’s Assn.
2004 UW TA’s & R’s
2005 Jobs with Justice
2005 SPEEA, Friends of SPEEA
2005 Distinguished Supporter of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies
2007 WA State School Retirees Association, Legislative Excellence Award
2008 LEOFF 1 Coalition
2008 WSU ASE’s Collective Bargaining
2008 ASECC/UAW Blue Book Award
2008 AFT Washington Legislative Award
2003-09 WA State School Retirees Assn. Legislative Excellence Award
2010 Washington Society of CPAs, Special Award
2010 Public School Employees, Legislator of the Year
2011 WSLC Legislator of the Year
2012 LCB, In recognition of employee support
2014 Senator of the Year, United Transportation Union
2015 Difference You Make in the World Award, Pierce County Coalition for Developmental Disabilities
2015 Washington State Association of County Clerks Legislative Award
2017 Certificate of Appreciation, US Department of Defense
2018 Golden Spike Award
2019 Parks Champion Award
2021 Washington STEM’s 2020 Legislator of the Year