Policy committees will be busy during the first half of Week 12, working to pass bills out of committee ahead of Wednesday’s opposite house deadline. When the last policy committee adjourns that day, bills without a fiscal impact that have yet to clear committee can no longer be considered during the 2023 session. A similar deadline arrives on April 4 for bills in fiscal committees.
On Wednesday, the Senate will take to the floor to vote on the operating budget, and also that day Sen. Marko Liias will release his transportation budget proposal.

Wednesday, March 29
10:30 am
The Senate will take to the floor Wednesday morning to take action on Senate Bill 5187, the 2023-25 operating budget proposal. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, March 30
9:30 am
Members of the House and Senate Democratic leadership teams will answer questions from the media Thursday following opposite house policy cutoff. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, March 30
12:30 pm
The Transportation Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5162, the 2023-25 transportation budget. Watch on TVW.

Friday, March 31
9 am
The Senate will be back on the floor Friday morning to debate and pass policies that put people first. Watch on TVW.