Week 2 of the 2021 Legislative Session begins with Martin Luther King Day. The Senate on Monday will adopt a resolution honoring his life. Senate Democrats will continue Putting People First with a public hearing schedule this week focused on bills to create better police accountability, access to health care, eviction reform, climate, childcare and many more. And guess what? People can weigh in on these policies and any others that are being considered by legislative committees from anywhere in our great state. Click here to take part in universal remote testimony.

Sen. June Robinson (D-Everett), sponsor of SB 5097.
Monday, Jan. 18
9 a.m., Agenda
The Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs Committee will hold public hearings on bills to improve Washingtonians’ access to health care and better health outcomes. Senate Bill 5115 would be the nation’s boldest and most comprehensive pandemic worker-protection legislation. (Watch more here from KIRO TV). SB 5052 would establish health equity zones in areas that have under-performing health outcomes, many of which are communities of color. SB 5097 will expand access to Washington’s nation-leading Paid Family Medical Leave program to more families. Watch live on TVW.

Sens. Jamie Pedersen (D-Seattle) and Manka Dhingra (D-Redmond).
Monday, Jan. 18
9:30 a.m., Agenda
The Law & Justice Committee will take public testimony on Senate Bill 5051, which aims to provide timely and effective enforcement of state standards for peace and corrections officers, allowing the Criminal Justice Training Commission to discipline officers who abuse the privilege of carrying a badge and a gun. Watch live on TVW.

Martin Luther King looks on as President Lyndon Johnson signs the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Monday, Jan. 18
11:30 a.m., Senate Floor
The Senate will adopt a resolution and honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. during a Pro Forma session. Watch live on TVW.

Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig (D-Spokane) and Deputy Senate Majority Leader Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle).
Monday, Jan. 18
2:15 p.m.
Leadership from the Senate Democratic Caucus and House Democratic Caucus will take questions from the media. Watch live on TVW.
Tuesday, Jan. 19
10:30 a.m., Agenda
The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will take public testimony on the Climate Commitment Act, a program to cap and limit carbon pollution and invest in clean jobs, environmental justice and climate resilience. Senate Bill 5126 is sponsored by Sen. Reuven Carlyle. Watch live on TVW.

Deputy Senate Majority Leader Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle).
Wednesday, Jan. 20
8 a.m. Agenda
People of color are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change. The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear Senate Bill 5141 which will implement the findings of the Environmental Justice Task Force and aim to improve the health of communities in our state that are suffering the worst consequences of pollution. Watch live on TVW.
Wednesday, Jan. 20
8 a.m., Agenda
The Health & Long Term Care Committee will take public testimony to protect the health of pregnant women. Senate Bill 5068 expands Medicaid coverage for pregnant women from 30 days after birth to one year after birth. SB 5140 prevents certain hospitals from denying or delaying services related to pregnancy complications. Watch live on TVW.

Sen. Patty Kuderer (D-Bellevue).
Wednesday, Jan. 20
10:30 a.m., Agenda
The pandemic has been particularly hard on those struggling to pay rent. The Housing & Local Government Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5160 which will extend many of the tenant protections found in the Governor’s moratorium, including a prohibition on charging and imposing late fees during the public health emergency, requiring landlords to offer payment plans on unpaid rent and other protections for renters. Watch live on TVW.

Sen. Steve Conway (D-Tacoma).
Wednesday, Jan. 20
10:30 a.m., Agenda
The Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs Committee will take public testimony on Senate Bill 5193, sponsored by Sen. Steve Conway, which will create a pool of trained unemployment claim adjudicators speed up the claims process to help people facing unemployment receive their benefits quicker. Watch live on TVW.

Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest).
Thursday, Jan. 21
1:30 p.m., Agenda
The first bill introduced by Sen. T’wina Nobles will get a public hearing in the Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee. Senate Bill 5183 would increase services to survivors of domestic violence. Watch live on TVW.
Friday, Jan. 22
8 a.m., Agenda
The Health & Long Term Care Committee will hold a public hearing on four bills aimed at increasing access and lowering the costs of prescription drugs. Senate Bill 5020 will tax prescription drugs with unsupported price increases. SB 5075 expands access to pharmacy services. SB 5076 relates to mail order prescription drug service and SB 5203 keeps it safe and makes it simpler to produce, distribute, and purchase generic drugs in Washington. Watch live on TVW.

Sen. Claire Wilson (D-Federal Way).
Friday, Jan. 22
8 a.m., Agenda
Some of the best investments that can be made are in childcare and early learning programs. Kids with access to early learning programs have far better outcomes down the road. Quality childcare helps parents work and kids learn. Senate Bill 5237, sponsored by Sen. Claire Wilson, is the Fair Start Act. The bill will dramatically improve and increase access to childcare services and early learning programs for kids and families across Washington.