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Our students need reliable access to counselors

Our students need reliable access to counselors

Dear friends and neighbors: Last year I sponsored legislation to assure students access to school counselors. Though the bill passed the Senate, it died in the House. Since then, the need for access has not gone away, it has only increased—and not just for career guidance but to address trauma and ...

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A critical win for businesses this week

A critical win for businesses this week

Dear friends and neighbors: This has been a very important week for businesses and our larger community. I’ve been pushing for weeks for our state to accelerate the reopening of our restaurants, fitness centers and other businesses. Well, those efforts are paying off in the form of new metrics announced ...

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Why we should open schools now

Why we should open schools now

Dear friends and neighbors: If you’re a parent, there’s a strong chance you share my interest in getting our kids back in school. I say this not just because I’ve heard from scores of concerned parents but because I’m a father with six kids and the husband of a schoolteacher. Whatever ...

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My priority is to help our community, households and businesses recover

My priority is to help our community, households and businesses recover

Dear friends and neighbors: Some of you receiving this email may be hearing from me for the first time, as we have recently updated our circulation list. So please know that, as someone who gets a lot of emails every day, I know how it feels to get inundated — and ...

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E-News - See you in November

E-News - See you in November

Dear friends and neighbors, I’m grateful to have represented the 5th Legislative District for another session down in Olympia, and proud of the work that we were able to accomplish in just a short 60-day session. I want to take a second to highlight some accomplishments from the 2020 session, along ...

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E-news - Finding Safe Ways to Get Washington Back to Work

E-news - Finding Safe Ways to Get Washington Back to Work

E-news: Finding Safe Ways to Get Washington Back to Work Friends and neighbors, We are all living through uncertain times, but I am proud of Washingtonians for staying home and lowering the rate of infections. By practicing physical distancing, our state is saving lives. Although everyone has been impacted by this crisis ...

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E-news - Coronavirus resources

E-news - Coronavirus resources

Friends and neighbors, We are living in uncertain times right now, and things are changing seemingly by the hour. Many of us are wary about where this pandemic is headed. It is important to remember, though, that government officials at all levels are working for you, and trying to alleviate some ...

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