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E-News - Coronavirus update

E-News - Coronavirus update

Friends and neighbors, As the novel coronavirus has become more prevalent in Washington throughout the week, many of us are rightfully uneasy about the spread of this disease given how close it is to our communities. As more tests become available to Washingtonians who have been exposed, we will likely continue ...

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E-News – The Operating Budget

E-News – The Operating Budget

De ar friends and neighbors, I want to start by thanking everyone who was able to attend the town hall meetings this weekend. Hearing from you about the issues you care about is an important and valuable part of the legislative process. This week, the Senate is working on the operating budget, ...

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E-News - Capital Budget and Upcoming Town Halls

E-News - Capital Budget and Upcoming Town Halls

Dear friends and neighbors, As this busy week in Olympia comes to a close, I’m looking forward to seeing many of you this Saturday, Feb. 22 for the 5th Legislative District Town Halls. Rep. Bill Ramos and Rep. Lisa Callan from the House of Representatives and I will be hosting three ...

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E-News - Prioritizing Education for our Students

E-News - Prioritizing Education for our Students

Dear friends and neighbors, As session reaches the halfway point, I want to highlight some of the important work being done around education policy in Olympia. Education is our state’s paramount duty, so every year you can expect that legislators will be working to improve outcomes for kids. Here are a ...

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E-News - 5th District Legislators to Host Town Halls on Feb. 22

E-News - 5th District Legislators to Host Town Halls on Feb. 22

Dear friends and neighbors, In two weeks, your lawmakers representing the 5th Legislative District will come together for a series of town hall meetings on Saturday, Feb. 22nd to speak with you in person about issues that are important to our communities. Topics of discussion will include transportation, the environment, taxes and ...

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E News - 2020 Session Ongoing Projects

E News - 2020 Session Ongoing Projects

Dear friends and neighbors, I started this week with a heavy heart as another member of our community lost their life on the stretch of highway 18 near Tiger Mountain. I extend my sympathies to the family and friends of those close to her. We all know how dangerous this highway ...

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E News - 2020 Legislative Session Update

E News - 2020 Legislative Session Update

Dear friends and neighbors, With this year's short legislative session already in full swing, I've been hard at work turning your feedback into policy that helps improve our communities. Here are a couple examples of bills before the Senate this year that resulted from conversations with constituents like you:

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