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E News - Town Halls Recap

E News - Town Halls Recap

Dear friends and neighbors,

Last Saturday, I joined Rep. Bill Ramos and Rep. Lisa Callan for a series of town hall meetings in Maple Valley, Issaquah and North Bend.

It was great to be able to see so many people from our ...

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E News - Education Funding and Local Levies

E News - Education Funding and Local Levies

Dear friends and neighbors, I’m looking forward to joining Rep. Bill Ramos and Rep. Lisa Callan for our town hall meetings this Saturday, March 16 in Maple Valley, Issaquah and North Bend. I hope to see you there. Mullet E News 031219 One topic I expect to address is education funding and the ...

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E News - 5th District Lawmakers to Host Town Halls on March 16

E News - 5th District Lawmakers to Host Town Halls on March 16

Dear friends and neighbors, Next week, your lawmakers representing the 5th Legislative District will come together for a series of town hall meetings on Saturday, March 16 to speak with you in person about issues that are important to our communities. Topics of discussion will include education, taxes and transportation, as well ...

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E News - Daylight Saving Time

E News - Daylight Saving Time

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Last November, California voters expressed a preference to end the annual switch to Daylight Saving Time.

I’ve been seeking to give Washingtonians a similar vote so the federal government can hear our voice. Unfortunately, my bill to let Washington voters weigh ...

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E News - Increasing Housing Affordability

E News - Increasing Housing Affordability

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

As you know, making sure that Washingtonians have access to affordable housing and addressing our region's homelessness crisis is a major challenge. This session, I’m working to address those issues in two ways.

The first is ...

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E News - Making Saving for Retirement Easier

E News - Making Saving for Retirement Easier

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Last week, the Senate Committee on Financial Institutions, Economic Development & Trade, which I chair, held a hearing on my bill giving employees easier access to retirement plans.

Helping Washingtonians save for retirement has been a top ...

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E News - Weighing Success in Olympia

E News - Weighing Success in Olympia

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

As your senator, I know that passing bills isn’t the only measure of success in Olympia.

Sometimes, it’s just the opposite: killing bad bills.

We saw that in the last week, when a proposal that ...

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