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E News - 2018 Updates & Communities in Action

E News - 2018 Updates & Communities in Action

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

As a parent and small business owner, I know the importance of following through and making sure that the bills we pass in Olympia work as intended. So I want to give you a quick update on two of my priorities from the last ...

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E News - 2019 Legislative Session

E News - 2019 Legislative Session


Dear friends and neighbors,

The 2019 legislative session opened this week. As your senator, I want to share a brief update on some of my priorities this session:

SR 18 & I-90 Interchange: the project remains on schedule and I’m working to secure funding to make highway 18 four lanes all ...

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E News - 2018 Legislative Update

E News - 2018 Legislative Update

Dear friends and neighbors, In my last newsletter, I shared information about the operating, construction and transportation budgets that we passed this legislative session. This week, I wanted to give you a final update you on the bills I sponsored that were signed into law. • Property tax relief: Senate Bill 6641 cut ...

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E News - 2018 Budget Accomplishments

E News - 2018 Budget Accomplishments

Dear friends, We were able to accomplish a lot during this year’s short, 60-day session. In addition to passing a wide range of bills improving the quality of life in our communities, we finished on time and passed operating, construction and transportation budgets. Gov. Inslee signs Engrossed Senate Bill No. 6018, March ...

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E News - More investment in our community

E News - More investment in our community

Dear friends and neighbors, As we near the end of the 2018 legislative session, I’m pleased that the Senate has approved supplemental operating, transportation and construction budgets to fund vital projects and services across Washington.

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E News - The Legislative Public Records Act

E News - The Legislative Public Records Act

Dear friends and neighbors, This week, you may have heard a lot of discussion about public records and Senate Bill 6617. The bill isn’t perfect and I regret that more time wasn’t set aside for public input. But I voted for it to protect the right of my constituents to share opinions ...

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E News - Passing a record number of bills with bipartisan support

E News - Passing a record number of bills with bipartisan support

Dear friends and neighbors, I’m happy to report that this year more of my bills have been passed off the Senate floor than in any other year that I’ve been in the Legislature. As I emphasized in recent town hall meetings with my Republican counterparts, that’s because I’m working with Republicans ...

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