Author Archives: sdcadmin

Washington State Capitol Building
20 Feb

Senator Bob Hasegawa’s Legislative Update – 2/20/2018

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12 Feb

Senate passes Hasegawa bill to avoid institutional racism

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Feb. 10, 2018   Senate passes Hasegawa bill to avoid institutional racism   OLYMPIA — Future legislative proposals will be assessed for disproportionate or unintended impacts on racial and ethnic populations, under legislation passed today by the ...

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12 Feb

Hasegawa’s wrongful death legislation moves off the Senate floor ‘We are now one step closer towards justice for the victims lost in the Ride the Ducks Seattle crash’

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Feb. 10, 2018   Hasegawa’s wrongful death legislation moves off the Senate floor ‘We are now one step closer towards justice for the victims lost in the Ride the Ducks Seattle crash’   OLYMPIA – Sen. ...

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29 Jan

Hasegawa offers testimony in support of overturning I-200

The Senate’s State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections Committee heard a bill Friday that would end Washington’s Affirmative Action ban, which has been in place since 1998. Bill sponsor Bob Hasegawa, D-Seattle, said that repealing the ban would help undo ...

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14 Nov

Hasegawa to serve on key Senate committees, two as vice-chair

OLYMPIA – Following the 2017 election, which shifted control of the state Senate from Republicans to Democrats, Sen. Bob Hasegawa, D-Seattle, has been chosen to serve on several key Senate committees. He will vice-chair both the Senate Financial Institutions & ...

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03 Jul

State bank feasibility to be studied at state level

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 3, 2017 OLYMPIA – A proviso that was included in the state operating budget and was proposed by Sen. Bob Hasegawa, D-Seattle, funds an interim task force to look at creating a publicly-owned state bank, and ...

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Washington State Capitol Building
01 Jul

Legislative Update: Budget passes just before shutdown

With only hours to go before the deadline, a state budget passed the Legislature and was sent to the Governor’s desk for his signature – narrowly avoiding a government shutdown. Unfortunately, I had to vote no on the budget because it ...

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18 Apr

Legislative Update: The regular 2017 session is nearing an end

The regular 2017 legislative session ends on Sunday, and although we have operating budget proposals from the House Democrats and Senate Republicans, negotiations have stalled. Despite multiple attempts by Democratic budget negotiators to initiate talks, Republicans are refusing to come to ...

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Washington State Capitol Building
17 Apr

VIDEO: Hasegawa votes ‘no’ on irresponsible Senate Republican budget

 OLYMPIA – Sen. Bob Hasegawa speaks regarding his no vote of the Senate Republican operating budget, which makes deep cuts to the social safety net and doubles down on Washington’s upside-down tax structure. !(function(src,cb){var s=document.createElement(‘script’);s.src=src;s.async=true;if(s.readyState){s.onreadystatechange=function(){if(s.readyState==’loaded’||s.readyState==’complete’){s.onreadystatechange=null;cb();}};}else{s.onload=function(){cb();};}document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);})(‘//’,function(){Invintus.launch({“clientID”:”9375922947″,”eventID”:”2017031203″,”simple”:true,”startStreamAt”:23334,”stopStreamAt”:23426});});

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03 Apr

VIDEO: Hasegawa offers amendment to study possibility of state bank

OLYMPIA – Sen. Bob Hasegawa offers an amendment to study the possibility of a publicly owned bank, or state bank, and the benefits this could bring to the state of Washington. To learn more about Hasegawa’s efforts regarding the state ...

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