Daily Bill Introduction Reports

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During session, I ask for constituents’ input on bills that are introduced by other Senators. These bills are all listed on the Senate’s Daily Intro Sheets reports, which I send to a distribution list as soon as it is delivered to my office. Due to the high volume of bills introduced each day, I would very much appreciate your additional set of eyes taking a quick glance at the Intro Sheets reports to see if there are bills that strike you as either worthy of my co-sponsorship, having potential if amended, or are so bad that we need to make every effort to kill them. Please don’t feel any obligation to respond to these emails — no pressure. This is primarily a way to keep you up to speed on what’s going on in the Legislature. 


Please sign up above if you are a constituent of the 11th LD and are interested in directly sharing your input with me during session. This is your opportunity to directly impact the creation of the laws of our state. If we’re all working together on this and the more eyes we have watching the process, the better we can ensure the Legislature is truly representing all our interests.
