News Releases

Sen. Annette Cleveland, D- Vancouver, issued the following statement after the Oregon State Legislature’s interim committee hearing today to discuss the Columbia River Crossing (CRC): “The Oregon State Legislature today continued dialogue on the replacement of the antiquated Interstate 5 bridges — the major transportation issue of our time for our region. “Last fall, I sent the members of the Oregon ...
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Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, today was appointed to a seat on the Senate Transportation Committee and issued the following statement: “I believe investment in our transportation infrastructure is absolutely integral to the economic growth and viability of our state and region. I am very pleased to be able to more effectively lend my voice to the transportation discussion and focus on ...
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Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, released this statement today regarding the possibility of the Oregon State Legislature approving legislation to fund the Columbia River Crossing during its pending special legislative session: “Lest they be misled by an overly vocal minority from our side of the river, Oregon lawmakers should know that a majority of Washington legislators support the Columbia River Crossing ...
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Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, and Sen. Tracey Eide, co-chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, today issued these statements commending Gov. Jay Inslee for his dedication and tenacity in trying to persuade the 2013 Legislature to pass a transportation revenue package that would have funded Washington state's share of the Columbia River Crossing.
“Gov. Inslee spoke out early, he spoke out ...
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Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, released this statement today regarding the failure of the Legislature to fund the Columbia River Crossing as part of a transportation revenue package:
"This is a sad day for our district and our state. The Columbia River Crossing project is the single most important investment we can make for our future — and key lawmakers are ...
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A bill (HB 1306) to extend the expiration date of the Local Infrastructure Financing Tool Program (LIFT) from June 30, 2039 to June 30, 2044, was approved by the Legislature Thursday.
"This critical extension to finish the project and keep our promises to our community could not have happened without bipartisan teamwork,” said the bill’s prime sponsor, Rep. Sharon Wylie, ...
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Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, released this statement today regarding Gov. Jay Inslee’s veto of $81.9 million in funding for the Columbia River Crossing in the Legislature’s transportation budget:
"Many people in and around my district have been asking about the governor’s veto, and I can understand why there might be questions, when CRC opponents are actively mischaracterizing his actions.
“The governor ...
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Sen. Don Benton's continued efforts to stall the Columbia River Crossing are contrary to the interests of households and businesses in southwest Washington legislative districts, along the vital north-south transportation corridor and across the state Sen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, said today.
With the regular legislative session ending and a special session scheduled to begin May 13, Cleveland said she would ...
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