The 2024 legislative session reaches a major milestone Wednesday as policy committee cutoff arrives, meaning policy bills not yet voted out of committee by day’s end are done for the year. Cutoff for the Ways & Means and Transportation committees arrives on Monday, Feb. 5. Senate committees will spend the early part of this week voting bills out of committee ahead of Wednesday’s deadline, but some will also start work on House bills and hold public hearings on remaining Senate bills.
NOTE: This has been updated to include Senate floor action scheduled for Thursday and Friday.

Monday, Jan. 29
10:30 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1241, sponsored by Rep. Mari Leavitt. The bill, which passed the House 86-11 on Jan. 11, makes in-person threats made to election workers a felony. State law already lists cyber threats against election workers as a felony. Watch on TVW.

Monday, Jan. 29
10:30 am
The Labor & Commerce Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 6299, which ensures that Washington employers cannot use the voice or likeness of Washington employees without their consent. Watch on TVW.

Monday, Jan. 29
1:30 pm
The Early Learning & K-12 Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5964, which provides free school lunches for all Washington students. Watch on TVW.

Monday, Jan. 29
4 pm
The Transportation Committee will hold a work session to hear from experts and agencies from around the state on the best ways to improve traffic safety in Washington. Those presenting include WSDOT, the City of Seattle, Washington Traffic Safety Commission, Washington State Patrol and others. Preliminary data shows that last year 800 Washingtonians died as a result of traffic accidents. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, Jan. 30
10:30 am
The Human Services Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 6196, the Evergreen Basic Income Pilot Program. The two-year pilot program would provide monthly income for people who meet certain requirements, such as having an income that is 200 percent below the federal poverty line, being pregnant, exiting the foster care system, escaping domestic violence, or living with a disability, among others. The committee will also consider SB 6267, sponsored by Sen. Emily Randall. The bill would allow parents of minor children with an intellectual or developmental disability to receive payment for the care they provide. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, Jan. 30
10:30 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1455, which prohibits anyone under the age of 18 from marrying in Washington state. The bill passed the House 98-0 on Jan. 8. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, Jan. 30
1 pm
Leadership in the Senate and House Democratic Caucuses will answer questions from the media during their weekly media availability. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, Jan. 30
1:30 pm
The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear public testimony on the CURB Act (Senate Bill 5990), or the Cumulative Risk Burden Pollution Act. The bill would help identify the communities with the greatest historical burden of environmental pollution and limit the ability of industry to emit more toxins in these communities. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, Jan. 31; Thursday Feb. 1 and Friday Feb. 2