Week 7 will be a busy one for Transportation and Ways & Means as those two committees work throughout the week ahead of Friday’s deadline, which marks the last day bills with a fiscal impact can be voted on and passed out of fiscal committees. Friday also marks the point in session when committee work gives way to floor action in both the Senate and House as both chambers start Week 8 with 10 long days (and probably a few nights) of floor debate.

Monday, February 20
12:30 pm
Monday marks the return of Children’s Day in the Senate as the kids and grandkids of senators and staff get an up close view of their government in action. In addition to welcoming kids to the chamber, the Senate will take action on a pair of bills — one that mandates all school kids have at least 30 minutes of recess per school day (SB 5257) and another that makes “The Evergreen State” Washington’s official nickname (SB 5595.) The kids will also receive a history lesson with resolutions celebrating Black History Month and observing the Day of Remembrance, the anniversary of Executive Order 9066, which began the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, February 22
10:30 am
The Senate will take to the floor Wednesday to debate and vote on important policies that put people first. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, February 23
Leadership from the Senate and House Democratic caucuses will answer questions from the press and offer a preview of the floor action to come the following week. An updated time will be provided later in the week. Watch on TVW.