A busy week 5 of the 2023 legislative session kicks off Monday with public hearings on several bills aimed at helping people dealing with substance abuse disorder and bringing transparency to supply chains in the fight against human trafficking. The Senate will also focus on environmental justice, housing fairness, support for our nursing workforce and public safety, in addition to floor action on Wednesday.

Monday, February 6
10:30 am
The Human Services Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5599. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias, suspends parental notification requirements for unaccompanied youth in shelters when they are seeking protected health services such as gender affirming care or abortion services. This bill is a part of Democratic efforts to strengthen and protect reproductive rights in our state. Watch on TVW.

Monday, February 6
10:30 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hear public testimony on bills to address the temporary law the Legislature passed in 2021 in response to the Washington State Supreme Court’s Blake decision. These new policies are intended to address substance use disorder, treatment for addiction and the role the criminal justice system will play in the process. The Blake-related policies scheduled for the public hearing are SB 5624 (Sen. Dhingra); SB 5536 (Sen. Robinson): SB 5467 (Sen. Salomon); SB 5035 (Sen. Padden.) Watch on TVW.

Monday, February 6
10:30 am
The Labor & Commerce Committee will hear public testimony on policies aimed at helping protect workers and eradicating human trafficking from the supply chain. Senate Bill 5541, sponsored by Sen. Manka Dhingra, will bring transparency to the supply chains of large corporations doing business in Washington, requiring them to provide information on their efforts to eradicate human trafficking from their direct operations and supply chains. You can read more here about one survivor’s work to end forced labor. SB 5614, sponsored by Sen. Rebecca Saldana, will create a new standard for worker safety at adult entertainment venues, and allow establishments meeting those requirements to apply for a liquor license. SB 5632, sponsored by Sen. Karen Keiser, will allow workers in a labor dispute to maintain their health care coverage. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, February 7
8 am
The Business, Financial Services, Gaming & Trade Committee will hear Senate Bill 5634, sponsored by Sen. Steve Conway, which will provide a larger slice of lottery revenue to help treat people with problem gambling addiction and disorders. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, February 7
8 am
The Local Government, Land Use & Tribal Affairs Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5651. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Liz Lovelett, will add environmental justice as a listed goal of the Growth Management Act and ensure that the people most affected by climate change have a voice in the process. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, February 7
2:30 pm
Democratic leaders from the House and Senate will hold their weekly media availability on Tuesday. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, February 8
8 am
The fashion industry is responsible for 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually. Fast fashion — clothes produced quickly and cheaply to mimic the latest fashions — are a big contributor to that figure. The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear Senate Bill 5607, sponsored by Sen. Joe Nguyễn, which will require fashion retail sellers and manufacturers to disclose what they’re doing to reduce their carbon footprint. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, February 8
10:30 am
The Senate returns to the floor on Wednesday to debate policies to help people across Washington. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, February 8
1:30 pm
Black homeownership is at a historic low, which is why Sen. John Lovick is sponsoring Senate Bill 5496, a policy which will create the Covenant Homeownership Account and Program. The program, to be heard in the Housing Committee, will prioritize people who for generations have been denied housing opportunities due to systemic discriminatory housing policies. Watch on TVW.

Friday, February 10
8 am
In the wake of the pandemic, our state’s nursing workforce has been hit hard. The Health & Long Term Care Committee will hear public testimony on several policies to support nurses and help more people join the profession. Senate Bill 5503, sponsored by Sen. June Robinson, standardizes required clinical hours for nursing programs in an effort to provide more students the opportunity for clinical placement. SB 5547, also sponsored by Robinson, requires more information be disclosed to the Dept. of Health by nursing pools placing travel nurses in Washington state facilities. SB 5537, sponsored by Sen. Annette Cleveland, creates a collaborative to study national and state alternative staffing models and solutions in hospital settings. Watch on TVW.

Friday, February 10
8 am
The State Government & Elections Committee will hear public testimony on a pair of Senate Joint Memorials. Sens. Bob Hasegawa and Patty Kuderer are sponsoring SJM 8000 and 8002, respectively, to request Congress take action to address the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which opened the door for rich donors to pour billions of dollars into political campaigns. Watch on TVW.