Week 4 of the 2023 session will be highlighted by efforts to make our communities safer. Whether through changes to drunk driving laws, worker safety precautions, driver’s license reforms, gun safety or other efforts, Senate Democrats are working to ensure all Washingtonians feel safe and welcome in their communities.

Monday, January 30
10:30 am
The Human Services Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5474. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Noel Frame, will reform juvenile legal financial obligations, the sometimes expensive fines that can follow around a person who commits an offense as a juvenile, even after they’ve served their time, making it difficult to establish credit, get a loan and take other important steps into adulthood. The bill largely prohibits the use of juvenile financial obligations, clears outstanding debt that young people currently owe, and also creates a new state fund to ensure that victims still receive restitution despite these changes. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 30
10:30 am
The Labor & Commerce Committee will hear public testimony on several bills to regulate the recreational cannabis industry and the use of psilocybin in Washington. Senate Bill 5263, sponsored by Sen. Jesse Salomon, would legalize and regulate the supervised use of psilocybin and make it available for wellness purposes. The committee will also consider SB 5367, sponsored by Sen. June Robinson, which regulates the availability of cannabinoids. You can read more about that issue here. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 30
10:30 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hear Senate Bill 5533, sponsored by Sen. John Lovick, which tasks the Criminal Justice Training Center with creating model policy for law enforcement to use when pursuing a suspect and creates a grant program to assist local police departments in purchasing technology such as license plate scanners, GPS tracking guns, and drones. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 30
1:30 pm
The Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee will hear public testimony on two bills with the purpose of teaching kids about the contributions made by underrepresented communities. Senate Bill 5441, sponsored by Sen. Claire Wilson, and SB 5462, sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias, will ensure that Washington’s school kids are taught about the impacts that people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, people with disabilities, and other ethnic and cultural groups have made on our state and country. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 30
4 pm
The Transportation Committee will hear a slate of traffic safety bills, including SB 5002, sponsored by Sen. John Lovick, that lowers the allowable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers from .08 percent to .05 percent. You can read more about the plan here. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 31
10:30 am
The Labor & Commerce Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5348, sponsored by Sen. Steve Conway, which will improve employee safety at Amazon warehouses in Washington. You can read more about this issue here from the Seattle Times. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 31
10:30 am
As incidents of hate crimes spike around the country, the Law & Justice Committee will hear public testimony on two bill to take action. Senate Bill 5427, sponsored by Sen. Javier Valdez, will establish a hate crimes hotline so that suspected hate crime incidents can be reported and victims of bias incidents can find assistance. SB 5623, sponsored by Sen. Manka Dhingra, will ensure that a hate crime can be charged in any case where an assault motivated by racial animus has occurred. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, Jan. 31
1:30 pm
The State Government & Elections Committee will hear Senate Bill 5209, sponsored by Sen. Sam Hunt, which would require all eligible Washingtonians to register and vote in all elections. You can read more about the issue here from the NW News Network. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, Jan. 31
1:30 pm
The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear public testimony on Sen. Derek Stanford’s right to repair bill. Under Senate Bill 5464, Washingtonians would have the right to repair their own electronic devices rather than relying only on manufacturers and their authorized technicians. This would help people save money and cut electronic waste. You can click here to watch Sen. Stanford discuss his personal experience with being prevented from repairing his Xbox himself. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 31
1:30 pm
Senate and House Democratic Leadership will hold their weekly media availability and answer questions from the press. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 31
4 pm
The Transportation Committee will hear public testimony on several key pieces of traffic safety legislation. Senate Bill 5583, sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias, will require beginning drivers, ages 18 to 25, to complete additional traffic safety training before receiving a driver’s license. SB 5430, sponsored by Sen. Sharon Shewmake, will provide a voucher for young drivers in financial need to cover the costs of a driver education course. SB 5560, sponsored by Sen. Sam Hunt, requires the Department of Licensing to develop a plan to improve safety among drivers over the age of 70. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, February 1
10:30 am
The Senate will debate policy bills Wednesday and also adopt a resolution honoring the Washington National Guard. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, February 2
10:30 am
The Health & Long Term Care Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5179, sponsored by Sen. Jamie Pedersen, which will remove unnecessary barriers to our state’s Death with Dignity law, increasing access to compassionate end-of-life care. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, February 2
8 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5232, sponsored by Sen. Jesse Salomon, which will require a 10 day waiting period on all firearm purchases as well as proof of firearm training. Watch on TVW.