A busy Week 3 kicks off with Ways & Means taking public testimony on the delay and reforms to Washington’s long term care insurance plan, WA Cares. The Senate will also take a look at combatting false election statements, energy efficient homes and buildings, worker safety and much more.

Monday, January 24
9:30 am
The Labor, Commerce and Tribal Affairs Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5559, sponsored by Sen. Kevin Van De Wege, which will prevent an employer from asking for a doctor’s note for an employee suing state required sick leave, unless that employer provides health care. SB 5751, sponsored by Sen. June Robinson, improves worker safety in health care facilities. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 24
1:30 pm
This summer’s record-setting heat wave put already vulnerable people at an even higher risk. With that in mind, the Health and Long Term Care Committee will hear Senate Bill 5606, sponsored by Sen. Mark Mullet, which will expand the use of air conditioning in adult family homes. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 24
2:45 pm
Leaders from the House and Senate Democratic Caucuses will hold their weekly media availability. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 24
4 pm
The Ways & Means Committee will hear public testimony on a pair of bills, HB 1732 and 1733, that will delay and reform Washington’s long term care insurance program, WA Cares. You can read more about the recent House action on these policies here. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 25
1:30 pm
The Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee will hear bills to consolidate the Department of Fish and Wildlife and State Parks under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources (SB 5721, sponsored by Sen. Kevin Van De Wege) and another bill (SB 5656, sponsored by Sen. Jesse Salomon) to reform the process for appointing and confirming Fish and Wildlife Commissioners. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 26
8 am
The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear public testimony on Sen. Marko Liias’ Senate Bill 5669, which will require the state energy code – which applies to new construction across the state – to require new homes and buildings to be net zero ready in terms of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 26
1:30 pm
The Senate will take the floor of Wednesday afternoon. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, January 27
8 am
The Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs Committee will hear public testimony on Sen. Steve Conway’s Senate Bill 5891, which would prohibit quotas that prevent workers from being able to go to the bathroom or taking meal or rest breaks. It would also require that businesses are honest and transparent about quotas with workers and safety regulators. You can learn more about this policy here. The Committee will also consider SB 5911. Sponsored by Sen. Annette Cleveland, the bill provides hazard pay for the frontline health care workers protecting our state from the pandemic. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, January 27
4 pm
Many communities in our state, particularly communities of color, have been split by highways and other obstacles that create barriers to mobility, opportunity and can cause health issues. The Transportation Committee will hold a work session to explore ways that communities can identify and remove, or retrofit, highways to reconnect communities that were once split. Here’s an example of this effort that is already underway in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood.
The Committee will also hear Senate Bill 5853. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Andy Billig, will help communities split by Interstate 90 and the US 395 North Spokane Corridor project by allowing the Department of Transportation to lease property for things such as parks, housing and other community revitalization projects. Watch on TVW.

Friday, January 28
10:30 am
The State Government & Elections Committee will take public testimony on Senate Bill 5843, a bill sponsored by Sen. David Frockt which aims to stop the spread of election disinformation for the purpose of undermining the election process or results by holding accountable elected officials and candidates for office who perpetrate these lies. The committee will also hear SB 5909, sponsored by Sen. Emily Randall, which takes a look at reforming certain aspects of the governor’s emergency powers. Watch on TVW.

Friday, January 28
10:30 am
The Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee will hold a work session on reforming solitary confinement in Washington. The Committee, chaired by Sen. Claire Wilson, will hear from the Department of Health, Corrections, Disability Rights Washington, national experts and other authorities on the issue. Watch on TVW.