A busy Week 2 gets underway today with the celebration of Martin Luther King Day 2022. The Senate will also consider measures to address gun safety, affordable prescription drugs, reproductive care, environmental protection and much more.

Monday, January 17
9:30 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hold a public hearing on two gun safety measures sponsored by Sen. Patty Kuderer. Senate Bill 5217 is a ban on assault weapons and SB 5568 allows local governments to ban firearms at government buildings. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 17
9:30 am
In recognition of Martin Luther King Day, the Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs Committee will have a day of policies protecting and strengthening the rights of Washington’s workforce. Senate Bill 5763 will eliminate subprevailing wage certificates for folks with disabilities. SB 5701 determines monthly wages for workers’ comp, and SB 5835 removes the marital penalty for workers’ comp. Currently if you’re single and get hurt on the job, you get a lower portion of your wages replaced than if you’re married. SBs 5520 and 5564 protects the privacy of workers and SB 5761 increases the transparency around wage and salary information for potential employees. Watch on TVW.
MLK DAY 2022

Monday, January 17
11:45 am
Sen. T’wina Nobles will sponsor a resolution honoring the legacy of Dr. King while senators and special guests will deliver remarks and reflections on his life. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 17
2:45 pm
Leadership from the Senate and House Democratic Caucuses will answer question from the press on Monday. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 18
8 am
The Housing & Local Government Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5670. Sponsored by Sen. Mona Das, the bill addresses Washington’s housing shortage by changing zoning rules in certain cities to allow for upzoning. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 18
10:30 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5688, a bill sponsored by Sen. Emily Randall, which ensures that reproductive care does not become more difficult to obtain following a hospital merger. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 18
10:30 am
The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear public testimony on two bills that will have major impacts on the reduction of plastic waste. Sen. Mona Das is the sponsor of Senate Bill 5697, a major overhaul and modernization of Washington’s recycling system. Sen. Derek Stanford is the sponsor of SB 5658 which addresses the labeling accuracy of recycled products. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 18
The pandemic has resulted in declining enrollment numbers at Washington’s colleges. Senate Bill 5789, sponsored by Sen. Emily Randall, would create a grant program that would help the Washington State Achievement Council’s outreach efforts toward hard-to-reach people most impacted by the pandemic and provide them with financial aid information and other tools to help get enrolled. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 19
8 am
The State Government & Elections Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5560, which reforms aspects of the redistricting process in an effort to provide better transparency. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 19
8 am
It’s prescription drug affordability day in the Health & Long Term Care Committee. The committee will hear public testimony on bills that create a prescription drug affordability board (SB 5532, Keiser), address insulin affordability (SB 5546, Keiser), require Medicaid to cover the cost of all HIV antivirals (SB 5551, Randall) and a bill to require insurance carriers to count co-pay coupons toward deductibles. (SB 5610, Frockt.) Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 19
10:30 am
The Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs Committee will consider Senate Bill 5796, the first major overhaul of recreational marijuana law in our state since Initiative 502 passed in 2012. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Rebecca Saldaña, is designed to increase transparency and make one of the largest community reinvestments of money from cannabis sales in the nation. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 19
1:30 pm
The Senate will be in action on the floor Wednesday afternoon. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, January 20
10:30 am
The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5813, Sen. Reuven Carlyle’s data privacy policy. Watch on TVW.

Friday, January 21
8 am
The Health & Long Term Care Committee will hear bills aimed at providing Washington families with affordable health care. Senate Bill 5702, sponsored by Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, requires health insurance carriers to cover donor breast milk. Sen. Annette Cleveland is the sponsor of SB 5618, which aligns Washington law with federal law against surprise medical billing. Watch on TVW.

Friday, January 21
10:30 am
The Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee will hear a pair of bills sponsored by Sen. T’wina Nobles. Senate Bill 5824 establishes a program to create bank accounts for youth in foster care. The program directs the Department of Children, Youth & Families to deposit $25 per month into accounts to teach foster youth financial literacy and independence. This idea was brought forward by youth currently in foster care, several of whom are expected to testify.
SB 5838 will help families on TANF afford diapers. The cost of diapers continues to rise, and are critical for kids who also need childcare. Watch on TVW.