With just 14 days left to go, the Senate will return to the floor this week to begin the concurrence process on bills amended by the House. Also this week, the Transportation Committee will take public testimony on Forward Washington, Sen. Steve Hobbs’ infrastructure investment package.
Week 14 comes on the heels of a historic Week 13 that saw the Senate and House pass monumental policies to address climate change, police accountability, eviction reform and many other measures to help Washingtonians in every community. You can read more below:
Seattle Times: Putting a price on polluting: Washington Senate OKs carbon-cap and clean-fuels bills
MyNorthwest: Legislature poised to bring sweeping police reforms to Washington
Seattle Times: Washington may soon be first state to guarantee lawyers for low-income tenants facing eviction

Monday, April 12
10 a.m.
Forward Washington, a 16-year, $18 billion transportation investment package, will receive a public hearing in the Transportation Committee. You can view documents related to the plan — including a project list — by clicking here. Watch live on TVW.

Tuesday, April 13
Leadership from the Senate and House Democratic Caucuses will answer questions from the media. Watch live on TVW.

1 p.m.
The concurrence process on bills amended by the House gets underway. The best way to follow all the action is via TVW’s Senate Channel and our Twitter feed at @WASenDemocrats.