On Tuesday, the first half of the 2021 Legislative Session will officially come to a close. House of origin cutoff arrives at 5 p.m. that day meaning policy bills that have yet to clear their respective chambers can no longer be considered this session. Week 9 arrives on the heels of a historic Week 8 that saw the Senate pass policies to help people going through a mental health crisis, access health care, better election security, more police accountability, more access to college, and a bill to help renters and landlords as they navigate through the pandemic.
On Saturday, the Senate took a historic step toward fixing Washington’s broken tax structure and expanding access to childcare and early learning programs with the passage of the capital gains excise tax and the Fair Start for Kids Act. You can read more about these monumental policies here.

Monday, March 8 and Tuesday, March 9
Morning and into the evening
The Senate will be on the floor Monday and Tuesday ahead of Tuesday’s 5 p.m. house of origin cutoff. You can watch all of the action live on TVW.

Wednesday, March 10
8 a.m.
The State Government & Elections Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 1078, the automatic restoration of voting rights for people convicted of a felony who have served their sentences. The bill passed the House with a 57-41 margin on Feb. 24. The committee will also hear public testimony on HB 1016, which would establish June 19 a state holiday in celebration of Juneteenth. This bill cleared the House on an 89-9 vote. Watch live on TVW.

Wednesday, March 10
8 am
The Environment, Energy & Technology Committee will hear public testimony on the Low Carbon Fuel Standard bill (HB 1091). The bill passed the House 52-46 on Feb. 27. Watch live on TVW.

Wednesday, March 10
11 am
Democratic leadership from the House and Senate will answer questions from the media. Watch live on TVW.

Thursday, March 11
8 am
The Housing & Local Government Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 1236, which provides a list of reasons for evictions under the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act. The Good Cause bill cleared the House with a 54-44 vote on Sunday. Watch live on TVW.

Thursday, March 11
10:30 a.m.
The Law & Justice Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 1054, which establishes requirements around the tactics and equipment of law enforcement officers. The bill received a 54-43 vote in the House on Feb. 27. Watch live on TVW.

Thursday, March 11
1:30 pm
The Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1090, which would ban private prisons, including the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, from operating in Washington. The bill received a 76-21 vote in the House on Feb. 23. Watch live on TVW.

Friday, March 12
8 am
The Early Learning & K-12 Committee will hold a public hearing on House Bill 1356, which would prohibit the use of Native American names, symbols or images as public school mascots without consultation and permission from the appropriate tribe. The bill passed the House 95-5 on Feb. 23. Watch live on TVW.
You can read more about the bill here from the Spokesman Review.