Friends: If you’re getting this e-newsletter for the first time, welcome! I’m Jesse Salomon, your state senator from the 32nd Legislative District. I am one of your voices in the state Legislature in Olympia. I send these e-newsletters a few times a month during the legislative session and periodically when we’re out of session because it’s important you know what your public officials are doing on your behalf. I am a more effective voice for you when you share your ideas ...
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Friends: The last time the Legislature was in session, the coronavirus was spreading rapidly across Washington state and the country. We adjourned just as several public health and safety proclamations were issued by the governor to slow the spread of the virus. It’s been an up-and-down battle ever since as our state and our country fight the virus. Unfortunately, we’re now in the so-called “third wave” with cases increasing rapidly and grim warnings about the holiday season coming from public health ...
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Friends – It’s been a while since my last update, so I want to share with you what’s in store for next session as well as some legislation I am working on this year. 2021 Session Update Legislative leaders and administrators are preparing for a 2021 legislative session that will be mostly virtual. While no final decisions have been made, this means that the next session will likely operate in a way that is new to us all. The good news is ...
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Friends: These last several weeks of protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd by former police officers have underscored the fact that we are long overdue for major reforms within our criminal justice systems. I am deeply troubled by the sight of peaceful protestors being tear gassed by police, pepper spray being used against children, and a state trooper encouraging his team to “hit them hard.” These are all examples of inappropriate tactics used by law enforcement officers in Washington state. Countless examples of other inappropriate conduct by those sworn to protect their communities have ...
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Friends: On May 1, 2020, Gov. Jay Inslee and the state Department of Health announced an extension of the Stay Home order through May 31. The governor also revealed his four-phase plan for reopening involving group gatherings, travel, shopping and recreation. The focus is on reopening safely and protecting the health of workers and the general public. This is a phased, data-driven approach. All reopening activities depend on continued success in slowing the spread of COVID-19. The governor will be looking ...
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Friends: Following up on my last update, I want to share additional information with you about protections and resources now in place to help you with your mortgage during the public health crisis. However, please keep in mind this situation is fluid and things change rapidly. The information and resources provided below are general in nature. How they can help in individual situations may vary on a case-by-case basis. is a great website that has a wide variety of resources ...
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Friends: We are all experiencing an unprecedented public health crisis. Worldwide, more than 1.4 million people have now been infected with the coronavirus, with more than one quarter of those cases located in the United States. Washington now has over 8,300 confirmed cases. Although our state’s aggressive response to the outbreak is helping to slow the spread, our numbers are still climbing. The Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order has been extended through May 4, with the possibility it could ...
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Friends: Governor Inslee has now issued a Stay Home, Stay Healthy order (that you can read here). I urge you to please stay home as much as you can during this time. Essential businesses may continue to operate. You can find out more on this issue here. With information changing rapidly, it can be confusing and difficult to keep up with the latest on closures. Here’s a great infographic from the Seattle Times to explain what’s allowed and what ...
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