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COVID-19: Additional resources for homeowners

COVID-19: Additional resources for homeowners

Friends: Following up on my last update, I want to share additional information with you about protections and resources now in place to help you with your mortgage during the public health crisis. However, please keep in mind this situation is fluid and things change rapidly. The information and resources provided below are general in nature. How they can help in individual situations may vary on a case-by-case basis. Coronavirus.wa.gov is a great website that has a wide variety of resources ...

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Help with rent and mortgages

Help with rent and mortgages

Friends: We are all experiencing an unprecedented public health crisis. Worldwide, more than 1.4 million people have now been infected with the coronavirus, with more than one quarter of those cases located in the United States. Washington now has over 8,300 confirmed cases. Although our state’s aggressive response to the outbreak is helping to slow the spread, our numbers are still climbing. The Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order has been extended through May 4, with the possibility it could ...

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Coronavirus update: Resources for you and your family

Coronavirus update: Resources for you and your family

Friends: Governor Inslee has now issued a Stay Home, Stay Healthy order (that you can read here). I urge you to please stay home as much as you can during this time. Essential businesses may continue to operate. You can find out more on this issue here. With information changing rapidly, it can be confusing and difficult to keep up with the latest on closures. Here’s a great infographic from the Seattle Times to explain what’s allowed and what ...

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Coronavirus update

Coronavirus update

As we near the final days of the 2020 legislative session, I would like to take a few minutes to pass along some helpful information about the coronavirus that’s afflicting our region. Above all else, please heed the warnings and follow the recommendations of our public health officials. It’s not uncommon for false information to rapidly spread on the internet and social media.

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Update on health care, public safety, and the coronavirus

Update on health care, public safety, and the coronavirus

We’re closing in on the final days of session and I wanted to share a brief update on some important issues lawmakers are working on this year. In the Senate this week, we are debating and approving House bills on the floor. The House is doing the same with Senate bills over in their chamber. Next week will be focused on resolving any disagreements on policies between the two chambers before we adjourn on March 12.

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My Shoreline Bulkheads Bill Passes the Senate!

My Shoreline Bulkheads Bill Passes the Senate!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Greetings – Today was a key cutoff day in the Legislature and I’m pleased to report my shoreline armoring bill was approved by the Senate this week by a vote of 32-16. This bill is a high priority for me and is key to the survival of our Puget Sound orcas and the overall health of our environment. SB 6147 would require the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to consider less environmentally disruptive alternatives when property owners look to repair ...

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Part 2: Continuing efforts to improve public health

Part 2: Continuing efforts to improve public health

Greetings – In my last update, I let you know about some of the bills I’m working on to require firearms training for concealed pistol license applicants, protect teens and young adults from the dangers of high-potency marijuana concentrates, and prohibit marijuana advertising aimed at kids. These are important issues aimed at improving public health for all Washingtonians. There are several other public health bills sponsored by my colleagues I am actively supporting.

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Continuing efforts to improve public health

Continuing efforts to improve public health

Greetings – We have one more week of public hearings of this two-month, “short” legislative session before we get to work debating and voting on bills full-time on the Senate floor. I wanted to share some ideas I and other lawmakers are working on to strengthen public health for Washington residents.

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