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Salomon bill to legalize adult use of psilocybin heard in committee

Salomon bill to legalize adult use of psilocybin heard in committee

OLYMPIA –Bipartisan legislation to legalize the adult use of psilocybin to improve mental wellbeing was heard in the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee Thursday. Senate Bill 5201, sponsored by Sen. Jesse Salomon (D-Shoreline), would direct the Department of Health and Liquor and Cannabis Board to legalize the supervised adult use of psilocybin under a two-track regulatory framework. An individual over the age of 21 could participate in a psilocybin session under the guidance of a licensed facilitator. Those who ...

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Salomon bill to ban algorithmic rent-fixing introduced in Senate

Salomon bill to ban algorithmic rent-fixing introduced in Senate

OLYMPIA – Legislation to prohibit the use of anti-competitive rent-fixing software was introduced in the Senate Wednesday. Senate Bill 5469, sponsored by Sen. Jesse Salomon (D-Shoreline), would make it illegal for Washington landlords to use algorithmic rent-setting software that collects and analyzes data from two or more landlords and public or private databases. “It’s outrageous and illegal to collude to raise the prices of rent,” Salomon said. “While most landlords are not doing this, it should be plainly illegal to use ...

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Senate budget would fund first-in-the-nation study of ibogaine treatment for opioid use disorder

Senate budget would fund first-in-the-nation study of ibogaine treatment for opioid use disorder

A proviso in the Washington Legislature’s supplemental operating budget would direct $250,000 to establish the nation’s first state-funded study into the use of ibogaine for treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). Ibogaine is the only substance in the world known to allow a person to skip most of the withdrawals from opiates. Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychedelic plant medicine derived from the west African shrub iboga. Early research indicates that ibogaine treatment could be a cheaper, more effective option ...

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MEDIA ADVISORY: 32nd District Legislators to Host In-Person Town Hall on April 10 in Mountlake Terrace

MEDIA ADVISORY: 32nd District Legislators to Host In-Person Town Hall on April 10 in Mountlake Terrace

32nd District legislators Sen. Jesse Salomon and Rep. Lauren Davis will be hosting an in-person Town Hall in Mountlake Terrance on Wednesday, April 10 at the Mountlake Terrace City Hall. This is your chance to hear a post session update, have your questions answered, and discuss what issues you’d like to see the legislature address next year. The 32nd district includes Shoreline, Woodway, Edmonds, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace, and Northwest Seattle. WHOSen. Jesse Salomon and Rep. Lauren Davis WHAT: 32nd District In-Person Town ...

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Salomon bill to protect salmon from toxic chemical passes House, Senate

Salomon bill to protect salmon from toxic chemical passes House, Senate

OLYMPIA – Legislation to protect salmon populations from a toxic chemical passed the House Thursday. Senate Bill 5931 would designate all 6PPD containing motor vehicle tires a priority consumer product under the Safer Products for Washington Act, empowering the state Department of Ecology to do a review of tires containing the chemical and develop regulatory action. 6PPD is found in most, if not all, car tires. It has been used for over six decades to make the tires more flexible and ...

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Legislation to Allow Co-Living Housing Passes House and Senate

Legislation to Allow Co-Living Housing Passes House and Senate

OLYMPIA – Legislation to remove barriers to building co-living housing in Washington state passed the Senate today. House Bill 1998, sponsored by Rep. Mia Gregerson (D-Bellevue), would require cities and counties planning under the Growth Management Act to allow co-living housing in any residential zone within an urban growth area that allows multifamily housing. “This is a big step forward for affordable housing,” said Sen. Jesse Salomon (D-Shoreline), who sponsored the Senate companion. “We have seen a worrisome rise in senior ...

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MEDIA ADVISORY: 32nd Town Hall RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30 PM

MEDIA ADVISORY: 32nd Town Hall RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30 PM

MEDIA ADVISORY: 32nd Town Hall RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30 PM The 32nd Legislative District Town Hall with Sen. Jesse Salomon and Rep. Lauren Davis has been RESCHEDULED from Monday, February 19th at 7:30 PM to Tuesday, February 20th at 6:30 PM. We hope you will still be able to join us for this chance to hear what bills we’re working on, ask us questions, and share the issues that matter to you! The 32ndnd district includes Shoreline, Woodway, Edmonds, ...

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Salomon to Introduce Resolution to Recognize and Support Ukrainian Americans on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine

Salomon to Introduce Resolution to Recognize and Support Ukrainian Americans on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Feb. 13, 2024 Salomon to Introduce Resolution to Recognize and Support Ukrainian Americans on the Two-Year Anniversary of the Invasion of Ukraine OLYMPIA –Sen. Jesse Salomon (D-Shoreline) will introduce a resolution on Tuesday supporting Ukrainians on the two-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, the largest conflict in Europe since World War II, began a campaign of terror and destruction which upended the lives of Ukrainians and Ukrainian Americans. “Civilians ...

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