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Cultivating community and housing solutions

Cultivating community and housing solutions

Dear friends and neighbors, I hope you’ve been enjoying your summer and staying safe and hydrated in this hot weather, especially everyone working outdoors. I've been busy meeting with community members and constituents, gathering insights for the next legislative session. Recently, I visited Krishna and Patrice, two farmers with the IRC, ...

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Pride and progress

Pride and progress

Dear friends and neighbors, It's been a while since we last connected, but it has been a pleasure seeing many of you at various community events. These interactions have provided valuable insights into the needs of our district as we prepare for the upcoming legislative session. I recently had the opportunity to ...

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2024 Legislative Session Report

2024 Legislative Session Report

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Telephone town hall TODAY!

Telephone town hall TODAY!

We are deep into the legislative session, and I have received hundreds of emails, calls, and visits with neighbors on issues that matter to them...but I want to make sure we get a chance to hear what issues are most important to you! Many of the ideas for legislation ...

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The legislative session is in full swing

The legislative session is in full swing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dear friends and neighbors, These first few weeks of legislative session have been very busy. I've had the pleasure of meeting with many constituents, resulting in meaningful conversations about important legislation that will provide access to justice and correct past harms to our communities. I have also actively participated in committee ...

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The 2024 legislative session has begun

The 2024 legislative session has begun

Dear friends and neighbors, Today marks the beginning of the 2024 legislative session, and we’re ready to get things going and keep working for our communities in the 37th. I'm excited about the work ahead, and I encourage you to stay involved to make sure your needs and the needs of ...

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Let the countdown to the 2024 legislative session begin

Let the countdown to the 2024 legislative session begin

Dear friends and neighbors,  In recent months, I've had the privilege of connecting with folks in our district, participating in community events, and collaborating with various groups as we gear up for the 2024 legislative session. I'm excited about next session despite the upcoming challenges.  Personal UpdateRead More

Session spotlight — celebrating our victories and accomplishments

Session spotlight — celebrating our victories and accomplishments

Dear neighbors, I send this newsletter hoping it finds you well. I do not take for granted the honor and responsibility you have granted me as your state senator. I am providing this newsletter and hosting a virtual town hall next Thursday, June 8th to break down what happened during the ...

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The finish line is in sight

The finish line is in sight

Dear friends and neighbors, Time has flown by! The finish line is in sight, and we are busier than ever trying to accomplish as much as we can for our communities. Last week marked another pivotal cutoff, where bills had to pass the opposite chamber to still have the chance of ...

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Over halfway through legislative session

Over halfway through legislative session

Hello friends and neighbors, Today marks the 64th day of the 2023 session, which means we are officially in the second half. The last couple weeks we spent many hours on the Senate floor, voting on bills that will have a positive impact on our communities.  I’m proud of what’s been accomplished ...

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