The Senate returns to a full schedule of committee work, holding public hearings on House-passed bills. Notably, the Housing Committee will hear HB 1217 on rent stabilization, while the Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee will take up HB 1296 to amend the parent’s rights initiative and create safer, more welcoming classrooms.


Human Services Chair Sen. Claire Wilson.

1:30 p.m. Monday, March 17

The Human Services Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1028, sponsored by Rep. Roger Goodman. The bill expands Child Advocacy Centers’ ability to support children exposed to violence, not just those who are direct victims. Watch on TVW.


Labor & Commerce Committee Chair Sen. Rebecca Saldaña.

10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 18

The Labor & Commerce Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1644, sponsored by Rep. Mary Fosse. The bill updates and clarifies Washington’s child labor laws while strengthening penalties for violations. Watch on TVW.


Democratic leaders will answer questions from the media Tuesday.

11 a.m. Tuesday, March 18

House and Senate Democratic leaders will answer questions from the media Tuesday. Watch on TVW.


The Senate will host a joint session Wednesday.

11 a.m. Wednesday, March 19

The Senate will hold a joint legislative session to honor and remember former House and Senate members who have passed away. Watch on TVW.


Housing Chair Sen. Jessica Bateman.

1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 19

The Housing Committee will hear public testimony on bills aimed at making housing in Washington more accessible and affordable. House Bill 1217, sponsored by Rep. Nicole Macri, is the rent stabilization bill, capping annual rent increases at 7%, requiring 90 days’ notice for any hike, and prohibiting increases in the first year of tenancy. HB 1696, sponsored by Rep. Jamila Taylor, builds on Washington’s Covenant Homeownership Program to support first-time homebuyers historically impacted by discriminatory housing policies by expanding eligibility and introducing loan forgiveness. Watch on TVW.


Health & Long-Term Care Committee Chair Sen. Annette Cleveland.

8 a.m. Thursday, March 20

The Health & Long-Term Care Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1291, sponsored by Rep. Alicia Rule. The bill exempts labor and delivery services from a patient’s health insurance deductible. Watch on TVW.


Early Learning & K-12 Committee Chair Sen. Lisa Wellman.

10:30 a.m. Thursday, March 20

The Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1296, sponsored by Rep. Monica Stonier. The bill clarifies and aligns language between I-2081 and state laws. It also establishes anti-retaliation protections for school district employees and directors who support students exercising their legal rights. Watch on TVW.


Higher Education & Workforce Development Chair Sen. T'wina Nobles.

1:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20

The Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1486, sponsored by Rep. Osman Salahuddin. The bill adds a community and technical college student representative to the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. Watch on TVW.


Health & Long-Term Care Committee Chair Sen. Annette Cleveland.

8 a.m. Friday, March 21

The Health & Long-Term Care Committee will hear public testimony on House Bill 1971, sponsored by Rep. Nicole Macri. The bill allows patients to receive a year’s supply when refilling a hormone therapy prescription, providing greater flexibility for patients and providers to determine the best course of care. Watch on TVW.