OLYMPIA — Senate Ways & Means Chair June Robinson (D-Everett) issued the statement below Tuesday in response to Senate Republicans’ budget proposal: 

“I appreciate the work my Republican colleagues have put into crafting their proposal and their willingness to engage in this important discussion. But while they’re calling this a ‘no-cuts’ budget, the reality is it includes $6 billion in reductions — many of which were identified through bipartisan conversations where Republicans were at the table and will also be reflected in my proposal.  

“Beyond those reductions, this budget relies on unsustainable choices. It treats the voter-upheld Climate Commitment Act as a piggy bank for unrelated programs, diverting resources from their intended purpose and undermining critical climate investments, which Washingtonians made very clear they want. It also fails to fund collective bargaining agreements, denying salary increases for state employees — the people who keep Washington running. Nurses and other health care providers, public safety workers, park rangers and many others provide the essential services our communities rely on every day. If we want to attract and retain a strong workforce, we need to respect and support the people doing the work, now more than ever. 

“At the same time, this proposal tries to do more without paying for it. Washingtonians expect responsible investments in the programs and services that keep our state strong, but without sustainable funding, those investments aren’t possible. A budget that shifts costs and relies on short-term fixes doesn’t set us up for long-term success.  

“That’s why I am committed to a balanced approach — one that includes responsible reductions but also the progressive revenue options needed to sustain core services. Deep cuts alone won’t meet the needs of a growing state. We’ve seen the harm that underfunding essential services can cause, and we cannot repeat those mistakes. It’s time to build a budget that works for the future of Washington.”