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Relief for the self-employed, independent contractors & small businesses affected by COVID-19

Relief for the self-employed, independent contractors & small businesses affected by COVID-19

English         Español

Dear neighbors, I know many of you are self-employed, independent contractors, or small business owners who are struggling to make ends meet due to the COVID-19 response. Here are some resources that may help you ...

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Governor approves ban on use of for-profit prisons

Governor approves ban on use of for-profit prisons

OLYMPIA – Today, Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law legislation prohibiting Washington state from contracting with private prisons. Senate Bill 6442, sponsored by Sen. Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle), would prohibit the state from sending people to for-profit prisons outside the state. The ...

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Governor approves bill to explore increased access to benefits for caregivers

Governor approves bill to explore increased access to benefits for caregivers

OLYMPIA – Gov. Jay Inslee today signed into law a measure to explore giving access to unemployment benefits to those who become unemployed due to family caregiving responsibilities. Currently, unemployment insurance law does not allow people to collect unemployment benefits if ...

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Gobernador aprueba asistencia pública para víctimas de trata de personas

Gobernador aprueba asistencia pública para víctimas de trata de personas

English          Español OLYMPIA - Hoy, el Gobernador Jay Inslee aprobó legislación que amplía el acceso a la asistencia pública para las víctimas de la trata de personas.  El proyecto de ley 5164 del Senado, patrocinado por la ...

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