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Join us for our upcoming town hall

Join us for our upcoming town hall

Dear friends and neighbors, I wanted to send along an update on some of the legislation we’re passing this session. I’ve written to you about two of the most important bills of session – reforming our drug possession laws to ensure that people in trouble can get the help they ...

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Addressing the drug addiction crisis

Addressing the drug addiction crisis

One of the most serious topics we have before us this session is addressing the crisis of drug addiction that’s affecting far too many families across Washington state. The grip of addiction causes untold pain and death, and connects to so many other issues, like public safety and homelessness. The ...

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Retirement news (not mine, don’t worry)

Retirement news (not mine, don’t worry)

One issue I’ve been working on for my entire legislative career is to help folks to save for retirement, especially people who work for small businesses or lower wage jobs that don’t have easy access to an IRA or a 401k account. I employ a bunch of people at my ...

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Caps off for special education

Caps off for special education

Dear friends and neighbors, I wanted to update you all on one of the Legislature’s top priorities this session – raising the cap on special education funding and making sure we’re providing the support that teachers need to provide every student with the attention and education that they deserve. We’ve made huge ...

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Washington needs more nurses

Washington needs more nurses

Dear friends and neighbors, One issue that’s been flying a bit under the radar this session but is hugely consequential for all of us has to do with nursing – we just don’t have enough nurses in Washington state to provide all the care that people need. Most nurses are way ...

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What did the cat need to build its house? A purr-mit

What did the cat need to build its house? A purr-mit

Dear friends and neighbors, It’s week 3 of the legislative session and much is happening. We passed our first bills off the Senate floor yesterday, a few non-controversial “good little bills,” but there’s a lot to do. We’re seeing policy proposals take shape on issues like drug possession, housing, and ensuring ...

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Here’s the news about our local news

Here’s the news about our local news

Dear friends and neighbors, This is the second week of legislative session and big things are already happening. We’re already holding hearings on major legislation around affordable housing, education, public safety, and just about every important issue before the Legislature this year. I wanted to talk with you about another of ...

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