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E-News: We have work ahead

E-News: We have work ahead

Dear Neighbors, Like you, I am heartbroken by what is going on in our country and our state. In a just world, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery would be alive today. The reality we live with is that the darker your skin color, the more likely you are to ...

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E-news: Be on alert for fraudulent unemployment claims

E-news: Be on alert for fraudulent unemployment claims

Dear Neighbor, During the pandemic, it's important to be on alert—this crisis has led to a rash of fraudulent unemployment claims filed with the WA Employment Security Department. Fraudsters file these claims in innocent people's names using data they have stolen from corporate data breaches, not from the Employment Security Department. ESD ...

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E-News: COVID-19 Resources & Telephone Town Hall with Congresswoman Suzan DelBene

E-News: COVID-19 Resources & Telephone Town Hall with Congresswoman Suzan DelBene

Dear Neighbor, Many constituents have been asking questions about the COVID-19 pandemic and our state's response. We are working hard to contain the pandemic, preserve public health, and get our economy back on track.

Telephone Town Hall

To hear answers to your questions, please join me, along with Reps. Roger Goodman ...

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E-News: Resources for people affected by the coronavirus

E-News: Resources for people affected by the coronavirus

Dear Neighbor, During this time of hardships, it is so important for us to come together as a community and look out for one another. And I'm hearing so many stories of friends and family members and neighbors doing just that—while keeping a safe six feet apart! With that in mind, I ...

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E-News: Coronavirus – state action to help

E-News: Coronavirus – state action to help

Dear Neighbors, The Legislature is taking this health crisis extremely seriously. We have now appropriated $200 million to fund our state's response, including monitoring, testing and support for local health departments. We have also acted to

  • ensure that people receiving unemployment insurance can continue to do so even if they can’t meet the ...

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E-News: Coronavirus update and information

E-News: Coronavirus update and information

Dear Neighbors, I wanted to update you with information that the Washington State Department of Health and Public Health – Seattle & King County are providing about how you can keep yourselves and your loved ones healthy and help slow the spread of coronavirus. If you have a fever and respiratory distress, call your ...

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E-News: A New Session Begins

E-News: A New Session Begins

Dear Neighbors, Happy New Year! With the beginning of another year comes another legislative session, and we are ready to go. I have prefiled 12 bills on issues from preventing identity theft to protecting survivors of crime to fighting the opioid epidemic. You can find a list of all my bills ...

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Sen. Dhingra's Session Report Card

Sen. Dhingra's Session Report Card

Dear Neighbor,

Thank you for the privilege of continuing to serve as your state senator. After completing another historically productive session, I am proud to provide you this legislative update with an overview of what we accomplished on behalf of our district and state. ...

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Sen. Manka Dhingra's Legislative Update - 3/29/19

Sen. Manka Dhingra's Legislative Update - 3/29/19

Click on the video below to see Sen. Dhingra's Legislative Update.

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Senator Dhingra's Legislative Update - 2/28/2019

Senator Dhingra's Legislative Update - 2/28/2019

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