Week 3 of the 2023 Legislative Session will feature policies to make condo construction simpler, our roads and work zones safer and reproductive health protections stronger.

Monday, January 23
10:30 am
The Law & Justice Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5258. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Sharon Shewmake, will increase the amount of condos and townhouses being built in Washington by removing barriers to construction. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 23
10:30 am
The Human Services Committee will hear public testimony on a slate of bills to strengthen Washington’s foster care services. Senate Bill 5230, sponsored by Sen. Claire Wilson, creates the “Post-Extended Foster Care Program” to provide supportive services to youth exiting extended foster care when they hit 21 years old so they can continue to receive some services as they transition to independence. SB 5256, sponsored by Sen. Rebecca Saldana, makes permanent a program to provide housing for families in the child welfare system. SB 5397, also sponsored by Wilson, ends the state’s practice of garnishing the disability benefits owed to children in the care of the Department of Children, Youth & Families. Watch on TVW.

Monday, Jan. 23
1:30 pm
A bill sponsored by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers will make school lunches free for all Washington school kids. Senate Bill 5339 will remove hunger as a barrier to education. You can read more here from MyNorthwest.com. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 23
2:20 pm
Democratic leadership from the House and Senate will answer press questions Monday. Watch on TVW.

Monday, January 23
4 pm
The Transportation Committee will take public testimony on Senate Bill 5272, which will set up speed safety cameras in highway work zones. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Marko Liias, will help protect workers in construction zones where an active presence by law enforcement is unsafe or unavailable. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 24
10:30 am
The Human Services Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5280, sponsored by Sen. Noel Frame, which will add clergy to the list of mandatory reporters for child abuse and neglect. You can read more here from Investigate West. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 24
All day
We trust Washingtonians to make their own reproductive decisions. On Tuesday Senate and House Committees will hear public testimony on a slate of policies to ensure that reproductive freedom is protected in our state. Below is a list of the times, committees, bills, sponsors and details about the policies that will help protect these rights:
- 8 am: Health & Long Term Care. SB 5242, sponsored by Sen. Annette Cleveland, will eliminate cost-sharing for patients seeking abortion care. Watch on TVW.
- 8 am: Health & Long Term Care. SJR 8202, sponsored by Sen. Karen Keiser, will enshrine reproductive freedom in the state constitution. Watch on TVW.
- 10:30 am: Law & Justice. SB 5241, sponsored by Sen. Emily Randall, prohibits hospitals from merging if it results in the loss of services to patients, including reproductive care. Watch on TVW.
- 10:30 am: Law & Justice. SB 5489, sponsored by Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, will ensure other states cannot take action against people in Washington for obtaining legal health care. Watch on TVW.
- 10:30 am: Labor & Commerce. SB 5260, sponsored by Sen. Karen Keiser, would give Washington employers that provide reproductive care benefits tools for redress against retaliation by states with anti-abortion laws. Watch on TVW.

Tuesday, January 24
1:30 pm
The State Government & Elections Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5207, sponsored by Sen. Andy Billig, which closes a loophole that allows campaign donors to use multiple businesses to avoid campaign contribution limits. SB 5152, sponsored by Sen. Javier Valdez, attempts to limit “deep fake” attempts to mislead voters. SB 5274, also sponsored by Sen. Valdez, will allow legal permanent residents to serve in law enforcement and other civil service positions. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 25
10:30 am
The Senate will be on the floor Wednesday morning to pass the first policy bills of the 2023 session. Watch on TVW.

Wednesday, January 25
1:30 pm
The Housing Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5190, the Missing Middle housing bill. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Yasmin Trudeau, will authorize cities to change zoning laws to allow for the construction of a variety of different types of residences in addition to single-family homes. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, January 26
8 am
The Labor & Commerce Committee will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5259, sponsored by Sen. Karen Keiser. The bill will increase safety and security measures in retail outlets, including recreational cannabis stores. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, January 26
10:30 am
The bipartisan Tax Structure Work Group has completed its work and decided that one way to help make our state’s broken tax structure better, is to replace the business & occupation tax with a margin tax. The Business, Financial Services, Gaming & Trade will hear public testimony on Senate Bill 5482, sponsored By Sen. Noel Frame, which will implement this change. Watch on TVW.

Thursday, January 26
12:30 pm
Transportation Committee chair Marko Liias will host a press event with legislative leaders from both parties (and some additional special guests) to talk about the slate of traffic safety bills being proposed in both the House and Senate this session. The event will take place in the Cherberg Building, Room ABC. Watch on TVW.