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VIDEO: 'We Remember' - Democrats mark the 75th anniversary of Japanese American internment

VIDEO: 'We Remember' - Democrats mark the 75th anniversary of Japanese American internment

The Day of Remembrance marks the anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066, which sent 120,000 Americans of Japanese descent to internment camps. This year marks the 75th anniversary, and on this Day of Remembrance we recall a time in American history when the government failed to uphold the constitutional rights ...

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Calling All Pages!

Calling All Pages!

Any student who is at least 14 and hasn't yet turned 17 can be a page in the Senate for a week. You get to see government up-close, help senators and learn with other students about the process of government. For more information of if you would like to apply, please ...

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Legislative Update: Stay Informed, Stay in Touch

Legislative Update: Stay Informed, Stay in Touch

Dear Friends and Neighbors, Education continues to be the main focus this legislative session as we work to find ways to ensure students across Washington have access to a great education. Republicans in the Senate finally released their proposal last week to address underfunded schools, following a plan released by ...

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Legislative Update: Levy cliff, Ban the Box & Resources for Immigrants and Refugees

Legislative Update: Levy cliff, Ban the Box & Resources for Immigrants and Refugees

Dear friends and neighbors, the 2017 legislative session is well underway, and there is a wide variety of issues being considered in the Senate and House of Representatives.  From paid family and medical leave to education funding to criminal justice reform, new proposals and stories can be heard in committees ...

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Saldaña on Dr. King: Leading with love means better outcomes for all

Saldaña on Dr. King: Leading with love means better outcomes for all

Thank you, Mr. President. Although I am one of the newest members of the Senate, I am already creating a tradition for this esteemed body. I am now the second incoming senator from the 37th legislative district to speak on Martin Luther King day without it counting as their first official ...

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Legislative Update: Greetings from your new state Senator

Legislative Update: Greetings from your new state Senator

Dear Neighbors, greetings! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebecca Saldaña, and I am honored to serve as your new state Senator for the 37th legislative district. I know you expect a lot from your leaders, and from me as I assume the position left vacant when Pramila Jayapal won ...

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