Dear friends and neighbors, 

As summer winds down and we gear up for the new school year, I wanted to share some important updates about our recent work to support and enhance public education in our communities. Education is the cornerstone of our future, and I’m proud of the progress we made this year to strengthen our schools and support our students. 

Enhanced Funding for Our Schools 

This legislative session, we focused on making substantial investments in K-12 education: 

  • $72 Million for Paraeducators: We approved a significant $72 million investment (SB 5882) aimed at increasing the number of paraeducators in our schools. This funding helps schools expand their support staff, prevent layoffs, and provide better assistance to students with disabilities and those needing additional help. 
  • Expanded Free Meals Program: We allocated an additional $45 million to extend eligibility for free meals, ensuring more students receive the nutrition they need to succeed academically. 
  • Increased Special Education Support: We raised the special education funding cap from 15% to 16%. Over the past two years, special education funding has increased by nearly $450 million. While we’ve made great strides, there’s still more work ahead to fully meet our special education needs. 
  • Historic School Construction Investments: Our 2024 capital budget includes a historic $306 million for school construction projects. This includes increasing state support from $271 to $375 per square foot, an increase of $79 million. Additionally, $45 million goes toward updating HVAC systems, and $68 million supports skills centers and career and technical education facilities. These investments are made possible by the robust revenues from the capital gains tax dedicated to school construction. 
  • Study on Enrollment Trends: I’m pleased to report we secured $100,000 in the operating budget for a study to understand why families have left Seattle Public Schools and how we can encourage their return. The study will provide valuable insights as we address recent enrollment declines and related budget challenges. 

Promoting Safety and Inclusivity in our Schools 

In addition to our funding efforts, we also passed several key policy bills to enhance school safety and inclusivity: 

  • SB 5462: This new law requires school districts to implement curricula that are inclusive and age-appropriate, reflecting the diverse histories and contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals. This change helps all students see themselves represented in their education. 
  • HB 2331: This legislation prohibits school boards from banning books based on discriminatory practices and improves the process for evaluating books for school libraries. It ensures students have access to a diverse range of materials and protects against the removal of books solely because they focus on protected classes. 
  • HB 1956 and SB 5804: These bills mandate all middle and high schools educate students about the dangers of opioids, especially synthetic opioids like fentanyl, and require NARCAN (opioid overdose treatment) be available in schools. These measures aim to equip students with critical knowledge and resources to prevent opioid-related emergencies. 

Thank you for staying engaged and informed. Your feedback is invaluable to me as we continue our work. Please let me know what you think is working well and what areas need improvement. Feel free to reach out to me via email at or by calling my office at 360-786-7688. You can also stay informed about my activities by visiting my  website or following me on Instagram, X, and Facebook for regular updates. 

Best regards, 



Rebecca Saldaña