Latest Past Events

41st District Virtual Town Hall

Senate Democrats' Facebook Page

Join your 41st District legislators for a live virtual town hall on Thursday, May 27 from 6-7pm. Sen. Lisa Wellman, Rep. Tana Senn, and Rep. My-Linh Thai will share their thoughts on the legislative session and answer your questions on the issues you care about. We look forward to seeing you there! Submit questions ahead of time: Submit questions live during the event by leaving a question in the comment section on Facebook or YouTube

21st Legislative Telephone Town Hall

Join your 21st District representatives for a live telephone town hall on Thursday, March 25, at 6:05 pm. Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self, Rep. Strom Peterson, and Sen. Marko Liias will share their thoughts on their legislative priorities and answer your questions on the issues you care about. Call details will be posted soon!

33rd Legislative District Virtual Town Hall

Senate Democrats' Facebook Page

Join your 33rd District representatives for a live virtual town hall on Wednesday, March 24 at 7:00 pm. Reps. Mia Gregerson and Tina Orwall and Sen. Karen Keiser will share their thoughts on their legislative priorities and answer your questions on the issues you care about. Submit questions ahead of time: Or submit questions live during the event by leaving a question in the comment section.