Dear friends and neighbors, The first special session of the Legislature ended on May 28 and a second special session was immediately called by Gov. Jay Inslee and began the following day. Now over a week into the second special ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, The Legislature adjourned two days early as no budget solution was reached within the time frame of the regularly scheduled 105-day legislative session. The requirements we needed to fulfill in order to be finished with the ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, This week we have been back in committee hearing the bills that have come over from the House of Representatives. The next committee cutoff deadline is on April 1, so we have a little more time ...
Read MoreSen. Annette Cleveland, D-Vancouver, today issued the following statement after calling the question about a Senate rule that requires a two-thirds majority vote to bring a bill with new revenue to a vote on the Senate floor: “My parents always ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, We have cleared the first real hurdle of the 2015 Legislative Session ‑ policy cutoff. Policy cutoff means that bills would have to make it out of the committee they were assigned in order to keep ...
Read MoreDear friends and neighbors, With three days left in the 60-day 2014 Legislative Session, activity in the halls of the Capitol has increased as legislators, lobbyists, citizens and students work to make sure their bills are passed. Straight from the ...
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Greetings, With the close of the regular legislative session, Gov. Jay Inslee called for the Legislature to return May 13 for a special legislative session to complete budget negotiations and pass budgets for the coming two-year biennium. This short break ...
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