Category Archives: E-News

02 Apr

Recursos para empleados por cuenta propia, contratistas independientes y pequeñas empresas

English          Español Estimados vecinos: Sé que muchos de ustedes son empleados por cuenta propia, contratistas independientes o propietarios de pequeñas empresas y tienen dificultad para llegar a fin de mes debido a la respuesta COVID-19. A continuación, ...

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02 Apr

Relief for the self-employed, independent contractors & small businesses affected by COVID-19

English         Español Dear neighbors, I know many of you are self-employed, independent contractors, or small business owners who are struggling to make ends meet due to the COVID-19 response. Here are some resources that may help you through ...

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18 Mar

Comunicado especial: coronavirus

English          Español 18 de marzo del 2020 Estimados vecinos: Terminamos la sesión legislativa de 2020 la semana pasada, y próximamente llegará más información sobre la legislación.  Por ahora, me gustaría tomar un momento para asegurarles que ...

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18 Mar

Special Update: Coronavirus

English          Español March 18, 2020 Dear neighbors, We wrapped up the 2020 legislative session last week, and updates about legislation will be coming soon.  For now, I’d like to take a moment to assure you that the ...

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20 Feb

Update from Olympia

Dear Neighbors, The 2020 legislative session continues to be a whirlwind, and last night we wrapped up another phase. Yesterday marked the cutoff deadline for bills to pass out of the chamber where they were introduced. Only these bills will ...

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31 Jan

Update from Olympia: The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Neighbors, The legislative session is moving at a fast pace!  This week wraps up week 3 out of 8 weeks. In this first phase of the session, the Senate Committees are holding numerous public hearings each week to choose ...

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17 Jan

Updates from Olympia: The 2020 Session Has Begun!

Dear Neighbors, This Monday marked the beginning of the 2020 legislative session, and our work is in full swing for this short, 60-day session. These short sessions occur in even-numbered years and can often feel like a sprint to the ...

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24 Oct

Saving & Paying for Education Beyond High School

Olympia, Oct. 24, 2019 Dear Neighbors, Today I’d like to take a moment to let you know about state-funded opportunities to save and pay for educational costs at college or technical school.  In the time that has passed since I ...

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23 Sep

House and Senate Members of Color Caucuses receive social justice award

OLYMPIA – On Friday, Rep. Javier Valdez (D-Seattle) and Sen. Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle) accepted the Social Justice Champion Award from SEIU 775 on behalf of the Member of Color Caucuses (MOCC) of both chambers of the Washington State Legislature. “We ...

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05 Sep

2019 Session Recap Series: Issue 4

Issue 4: Expanding Education and Equity Olympia, September 5, 2019 Dear Neighbors, This is the fourth issue of my summer e-newsletter series, which gives an overview of some key policies we passed into law this year. This issue focuses on ...

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