
31 Jan

Update from Olympia: The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Neighbors,

The legislative session is moving at a fast pace!  This week wraps up week 3 out of 8 weeks. In this first phase of the session, the Senate Committees are holding numerous public hearings each week to choose bills to pass out of committee.

This session, Feb. 7 is the last day to pass bills out of policy committees, but any with a financial impact must also be heard by the Ways & Means or Transportation committees. Feb. 11 will be the last day for bills to pass out of those committees.

Save the Date

I will be holding a town hall in the 37th legislative district on Saturday, February 29, 2020. 

Stay tuned for more details!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy

Last week, I introduced a Senate Resolution to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I gave some remarks about his legacy, and you can hear them by watching this video:

I feel especially connected to Dr. King’s legacy of advocating for the rights of workers, and I often look to his words at the Sanitation Worker Strike in Memphis the day before he was assassinated:

“So often we overlook the work and the significance of those who are not in professional jobs, of those who are not in the so-called big jobs. But let me say to you tonight that whenever you are engaged in work that serves humanity and is for the building of humanity, it has dignity and it has worth.”

There is perhaps no better way to honor his legacy than by continuing the work of Dr. King and other labor leaders. We must continue working to ensure that every worker in Washington is treated with dignity and respect.

To that end, here’s a quick look at some of the legislation I’ve sponsored this session to protect workers’ rights:

  • SB 6247 would expand protections for domestic workers, who have few rights and little recourse in the face of employer abuse, such as wage theft or sexual harassment. The solitary nature of their work makes domestic workers especially vulnerable. This bill would take a significant step forward to ensure those who care for our families and help maintain our homes the same rights as workers in other fields.
Woman standing in a kitchen wearing an apron and gloves, wiping a countertop with a towel.


  • SB 5717 would provide secure scheduling for employees of big retail and food service establishments. Did you know that currently 68% of Washington’s retail and food service employees must keep their schedules open, without compensation, to pick up last-minute shifts? Many of their employers also spread out hours among part-time employees; 60% of part-time retail and food service employees are underemployed and want to work more hours.  Workers struggle to make ends meet to support their families because keeping their schedule open means they can’t get a second job or additional job training. Secure scheduling would provide workers with 14 days’ notice of work schedules, longer rest breaks after closing shifts, preference over new employees for additional work hours, and more.

Woman playing with baby in stroller, stuffed monkey in one of the cup holders of the stroller.

  • SB 5473 would update the definition of “good cause” in unemployment insurance to cover working parents who lose work because of a lack of childcare or the responsibility to care for a vulnerable adult. Access to unemployment benefits would provide relief to working families trying to make ends meet while searching for employment that is compatible with their families’ needs.

Stay tuned for more e-news updates as the session quickly progresses.  My office will continue to welcome your thoughts and concerns throughout the session, so please let us know what issues are important to you and your community!

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17 Jan

Updates from Olympia: The 2020 Session Has Begun!

Dear Neighbors,

This Monday marked the beginning of the 2020 legislative session, and our work is in full swing for this short, 60-day session. These short sessions occur in even-numbered years and can often feel like a sprint to the finish line with the entire legislative process condensed into only eight weeks.  As of this newsletter I have 13 live bills.

I-976’s effects on transportation funding

Unfortunately, in this short session we’re faced with increased budget challenges after the passage of Initiative 976, which slashes voter-approved transportation funding. Prior to its passage, the state’s transportation funding stream already could not keep up with the demand for maintenance, preservation, safety and projects.

Link train travels through a raised platform as passengers wait to board.

The passage of I-976 is devastating for our transportation funding across the state. We will do our best to mitigate the worst impacts to public transit and critical projects, but things will get worse before they get better in transportation.

My committee work this session

 As vice chair of the Senate Transportation Committee, I’ll be working with my colleagues to sort out those new budget challenges caused by I-976.

At the same time, I will continue to work to advance green transportation measures like a clean fuels standard (SB 5412) and an improved zero emission vehicles program (SB 5811).

I am also on the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee, where this session we’ll build on our advances in worker protections over the last two years. I’ve introduced SB 5717, which would provide secure scheduling for employees of big retail and food service establishments.  I’ve also introduced a domestic workers’ bill of rights (SB 6247), and a bill to update Unemployment Insurance good cause to cover working parents who lose work because of a lack of childcare or responsibilities of caring for a vulnerable adult (SB 5473).

Sen. Conway, Sen. Saldaña, and Sen. Wellman in a hearing of the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee.

Three of my bills had hearings Thursday, and you can watch the hearings here:

SB 5473: Unemployment Insurance. Jan 16, 2020 Senate Labor & Commerce Committee

SB 5412: Clean Fuels Standard. Jan 16, 2020 Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee

SB 5164: Assistance to human trafficking victims. Jan 16, 2020 Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee

On the Senate Housing Stability and Affordability Committee, my colleagues and I will be looking for ways to address the human rights crisis of homelessness that currently faces our state.

Do you have a story about rent, just cause, or challenges getting into housing? Where do you see hope for housing issues happening? Your experiences will help me make better policy during this short session.

Meet my team

This session I have a fantastic team, made up of my legislative assistant, Coco Chang, session aide Yvette Maganya, and intern Alondra De La Cruz. They are helping me answer your calls, emails and meeting requests.  Please reach out to our office with your concerns about legislation at 360-786-7688 or send an email to

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24 Oct

Saving & Paying for Education Beyond High School

Olympia, Oct. 24, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

Today I’d like to take a moment to let you know about state-funded opportunities to save and pay for educational costs at college or technical school.  In the time that has passed since I was a high school student seeking scholarships, Washington taxpayers have made significant investments in creating more pathways to save and access higher education opportunities.

All of these opportunities can be hard to navigate, so I hope you find this newsletter helpful. If you do, please feel free to share it with a neighbor.

Saving for College

Watch this short video about programs our state offers to help save money for your child’s education beyond high school.

Video Screenshot, click here to open video

Find more information about these programs at 

Ways to Make College More Affordable

Check out these ways you can access affordable college or technical school education, regardless of family income level.

#1: In middle school, enroll in the College Bound Scholarship Program (if eligible).

Seventh and eighth grade students in low-income households or in foster care can apply for the College Bound Scholarship. They must apply by the end of their eighth grade year, commit to graduate from high school with a GPA of at least 2.0, and have no felony convictions.

This four-year scholarship covers tuition at public college rates, books, and certain fees at more than 60 eligible institutions in Washington State.

For more information, visit:

#2: In high school, enroll in dual-credit courses.

Dual-credit courses allow you to take college-level courses while you are in high school, with free or low-cost tuition for college credit. Dual-credit opportunities offered by Seattle Public Schools and Renton Public Schools include:

  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • College in the High School
  • Tech Prep/Career & Technical Education (CTE)
  • Running Start

For more information, visit:

Student wearing backpack holding books

#3: Apply for need-based state scholarships/grants.

Applying for most state-funded scholarships and grants is usually as easy as completing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA) if you aren’t eligible for federal aid due to your immigration status. Always follow up with the financial aid office at the school you’re planning to attend.

This year the Legislature replaced the State Need Grant with the Washington College Grant, making more families eligible for assistance in paying for education and training beyond high school while also including more higher education programs across the state.

This grant provides financial aid to income-eligible students to study at eligible institutions, which include all public and some private colleges, universities, and career training schools statewide.

The amount of funds a student will receive will depend on income, family size, and the school or program attended.

For more information, visit:

  • Opportunity Grant

The Opportunity Grant helps low-income adults at community colleges or technical schools earn 45 credits, receive a credential, and increase job skills and knowledge.

Eligible students on approved career pathways may receive funds to cover tuition and fees up to 45 credits, as well as an allowance for books and supplies, and individual support services that can include tutoring, career advising, college success education, emergency child care and more.

For more information, visit the website of the community college or technical school you plan to attend.

The Washington State Opportunity Scholarship is offered to eligible low- and middle-income students in Washington pursuing either:

  • a bachelor’s degree in a STEM or health care field, or
  • a certificate or degree in a high-demand trade, STEM or health care field.

These funds can be used to cover tuition and fees, or other costs like transportation, housing, food, and more.

For eligibility requirements and more information, visit:

#4: Look into other scholarship opportunities.

There are several programs designed to help students in foster care, and some will soon expand to include unaccompanied homeless youth and unaccompanied refugee minors.  See more information about these programs at:

The Ready, Set, Grad website can help you identify state, federal and private revenue sources to fund your education.  Check out the “Financial Aid 101” page at

#5: Obtain a State Work Study position.

Qualifying students from low- and middle- income households can get approved for on-campus or off-campus jobs to support higher education. Work study can build your skills, increase your earnings and reduce your reliance on student loans.

For more information, visit:

Financial aid for DREAMers and other undocumented residents

 State law allows undocumented, noncitizen residents who cannot complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) due to their immigration status to instead apply for state financial aid through the Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA).

Some benefits you could be eligible for include in-state tuition rates, the Washington College Grant, and the College Bound Scholarship.  Students who have DACA status (expired or unexpired) may be eligible for other state financial aid as well.

New ways to structure how students pay for higher education

 This year, we passed legislation to create the Washington Student Loan Refinancing Program, which will allow qualified borrowers to receive a below-market interest rate or partial risk coverage to cover losses on qualified student loans. This option might not fit the needs of all people with student loan debt, but it can provide relief to many. The program is just getting started, and you can check for updates on its progress.

We also proposed—but did not pass—the creation of an income share agreement (ISA) program, which would allow students who cannot get traditional student loans to access funds to pay for postsecondary education. In these agreements, students agree to pay a percentage of their future income for a set period of time in exchange for receiving these funds.

Some other states have already started ISA programs, and I’m hopeful we can pass legislation to launch a pilot program here in Washington. In other states, ISA programs have made higher education more accessible to undocumented individuals, students from low-income backgrounds, those whose cultural beliefs discourage taking out loans, and even people experiencing incarceration. If you’d like to see an ISA program in our state, I encourage you to engage with your legislators to tell them how important this is.

What I’m up to this Fall…

10/2 to 10/4: Joint Transportation Committee Tour – Kitsap, Clallam, Jefferson Counties

10/7 and 10/8: Senate Democratic Caucus meetings and priority setting

10/10: Governor and Legislators Lunch: Clean Energy and Climate – Olympia

10/12: People of Color Legislative Summit – Yakima

10/15: Women’s Commission Panel on Increasing Women on Corporate Boards – Seattle

10/23: Communities in School Partners for Equity Breakfast – Renton

10/24: Pesticide Application Safety Committee Work Session – Olympia

10/24: Grand Opening: Sea Mar Museum of Chicano/a/Latino/a Culture – Seattle

10/28: Sound Transit Equity Summit Workshop – Seattle

10/28:  Housing Stability & Affordability Committee Tour: Sustainable Housing for Ageless Generations

10/29: Seattle PEACE Coalition Meeting on Vaping – Seattle

10/30: Tech Law Summit for Girls – Seattle

11/1: Colectiva Legal Del Pueblo Roots of Liberation Celebration – Des Moines

11/2: Keynote at Entre Hermanos Día de los Muertos Gala – Seattle

11/2: Celebration of Life for Jacqui Jones – Seattle

11/19: Joint Transportation Committee Meeting – Olympia

11/20: Senate Committee Assembly Days: Labor & Commerce, Housing Stability & Affordability, Transportation – Olympia

11/25: Planned Parenthood Sex Education Community Roundtable – Seattle

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23 Sep

House and Senate Members of Color Caucuses receive social justice award

OLYMPIA – On Friday, Rep. Javier Valdez (D-Seattle) and Sen. Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle) accepted the Social Justice Champion Award from SEIU 775 on behalf of the Member of Color Caucuses (MOCC) of both chambers of the Washington State Legislature.

“We are thrilled to award the House and Senate Members of Color Caucuses the SEIU 775 Social Justice Champion Award for their work to transform Washington State into a more equitable and inclusive state for all,” said SEIU 775 President Sterling Harders. 

“In 2019, these legislators fought to ensure working people are paid enough to support themselves and their family and to have the opportunity to join a union, to end discrimination, and to protect the rights of immigrants and refugees to live and work in Washington,” she said. “Our state is stronger because of this work and caregivers look forward to continuing the fight for equity fighting alongside these women and men.”

In accepting the award on behalf of the Senate MOCC, Saldaña said, “It’s an honor for us to receive this award. The members of SEIU 775 have been among the first to support non-traditional politicians, and with support like this, the Members of Color Caucuses continue to grow.  Not only does this growth help us prioritize key legislation that puts people first, it also provides us with more people to help keep this legislation front and center throughout the legislative process.”

Valdez, who accepted the award on behalf of the House MOCC as its Chair said, “The 2019 session was a landmark one for social justice legislation, from prioritizing and advocating for critical bills, to fighting for budget dollars to assist underrepresented communities. The Members of Color Caucus was proud to champion these policies on behalf of all people in our state. We know the work continues, and together with allies like SEIU 775 we will keep standing up for Washington’s working families and diverse communities.”

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05 Sep

2019 Session Recap Series: Issue 4

Issue 4: Expanding Education and Equity

Olympia, September 5, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

This is the fourth issue of my summer e-newsletter series, which gives an overview of some key policies we passed into law this year. This issue focuses on educational systems as well as equity legislation.

Remember, you can also find information about successful bills I sponsored this year in my April 19 Update from Olympia. All the bills discussed there passed and will become law.

Higher Education

House Bill 2158, the Workforce Education Investment Act, brings into reach the possibility of earning a family wage, by making college and apprenticeships accessible.  It establishes a dedicated source of funding to allow students whose household earnings fall below 55% of the state’s median family income (approximately $50,000 per year) to study at public colleges tuition-free, and provides for partial tuition scholarships for students whose households earn up to 100% of the median family income (approximately $88,000 for a family of four).

The act also expands the Guided Pathways program at state community colleges and technical schools and will grow high-demand degree programs like nursing, engineering, and computer science.

Additionally, House Bill 1303 improves access to higher education by making it easier for full-time students in certain fields to qualify for state child care benefits.

Funding K-12 Education

After the court found in the McCleary lawsuit that the state was permitting inequitable funding for basic education across different school districts, lawmakers in 2017 raised property taxes to fund school districts more evenly. To limit the cost to taxpayers, the amount districts could raise locally through levies was reduced, but this shift created budget shortfalls in some districts.

This year, the state’s budget increased funding for K-12 education by $4.5 billion dollars over the last biennial budget. At the same time, Senate Bill 5313 increased the amount local districts can raise through voter-approved levies for public education, relieving some — but not all — of the shortfalls in local districts.

Gender Equity in Schools

Senate Bill 5689 requires school districts to adopt policies and procedures that protect transgender students from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying.

House Bill 1577 will help close the gender gap in tech jobs by ensuring that our public schools identify and track how female-identified students are doing in computer science courses in order to identify inequities and successes. This will shed light on what’s working, what isn’t working, and what changes are needed.

Race and Gender Equity Statewide

SB 5356 establishes the Washington State LGBTQ Commission in the Office of the Governor to monitor relevant legislation and state policies to eliminate barriers to economic and health equity for LGBTQ people.

I-1000, an important ballot initiative that voters put before the Legislature, was passed this year. It creates the Governor’s Commission on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and allows the state to remedy discrimination and underrepresentation of disadvantaged groups with affirmative action policies that do not use quotas and do not constitute preferential treatment.

What I’m up to this month

9/9 Labor & Commerce Committee CannaBusiness Facility Tour, Renton

9/11 Transportation Committee Tour, Shoreline

9/16 Labor & Commerce Committee Work Session

9/18 Filipino Community Village Groundbreaking

9/19 Joint Transportation Committee Meeting

9/24 National Voter Registration Day Event

9/25 Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee Meeting

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07 Aug

Saldaña supports juvenile sentencing reform

August 7, 2019

I have been heartened by the commitment of state legislators, criminal justice practitioners, and law enforcement to update our laws and our system of policies, practices, and procedures to take into account the 2012 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Miller v. Alabama. At a recent work session held in the Senate Human Services, Reentry and Rehabilitation Committee, we learned about the Board’s the outcomes and implementation of the 2014 “Miller fix” law in Washington State.

Before the Miller fix, juveniles convicted as adults of aggravated murder received mandatory life sentences without parole. Under the fix, children under 16 at the time of their crime receive a sentence of 25 years to life, and are given an opportunity for release after they have served 25 years. In 2018, the State Supreme Court ruled that trial courts also cannot sentence 16- and 17-year-old youths to life without parole.

Legislation and Supreme Court decisions happen, but the implementation of justice happens one hearing at a time. One of those hearings is happening today at the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board. Below is my letter in support of an individual who was sentenced as a youth prior to the Miller fix.

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01 Aug

2019 Session Recap Series: Issue 3

Issue 3: Providing Housing Accessibility and Stability

Olympia, August 1, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

This is Issue 3 of my summer e-newsletter series, which gives an overview of some key policies we worked to pass into law this year. This issue focuses on legislation that will address our ongoing crisis involving housing accessibility and stability.

Remember, you can also find information about successful bills I sponsored this year in my April 19th Update from Olympia. All of the bills discussed there passed and will become law.

Access to Housing

We took action to increase access to housing services and to build up the supply of accessible and affordable housing.

Housing assistance

We expanded services for homeless youth and unaccompanied young adults (HB 1657) and approved a pilot program to provide housing vouchers to families in the child welfare system whose main barrier to reunification is the lack of appropriate housing (SB 5718).

Increasing the supply of accessible housing

We passed legislation like HB 1219 and HB 1406, which grant authority to cities and counties to use funds from certain local taxes for affordable housing projects and to combat homelessness. Fortunately, the Seattle City Council and our mayor are leading efforts to take advantage of this authority to access more immediate funding to build local housing.

We also empowered faith communities to contribute to housing stability by adjusting zoning to allow increased density to build affordable housing on property owned by religious organizations (HB 1377).

Additionally, the capital budget added $175 million in affordable housing loans and grants through the Housing Trust Fund, including:

  • $10 million for high-quality modular housing to transition people out of homelessness quickly
  • $35 million for supportive housing and case management services for people living with behavioral health disorders
  • $10 million for competitively awarded grants for state matches on private contributions to fund affordable housing
  • $10 million for housing preservation grants
  • $5 million for housing veterans
  • $5 million for housing to serve people with disabilities

Keeping People in Their Homes

In combating homelessness, keeping people in their existing homes is just as important as building new housing. We passed several bills this session that will do just that.

Property taxes

SB 5160 gives a property tax break to seniors, people, with disabilities and veterans on limited incomes.  This will prevent people from being priced out of their homes as property taxes rise along with property values.

Tenant protections

Eviction reform legislation, SB 5600, was enacted to extend the notice time for evictions from 3 to 14 days, aligning our state with national norms and giving tenants time to find money to pay their rent.  When people are living paycheck to paycheck, this extended notice period could mean the difference between staying in their home or being out on the street. This legislation also allows judges to use their discretion in nonpayment of rent cases to consider factors beyond the tenants’ control and allows landlords to access a mitigation fund in some cases.

HB 1440 doubled the number of days in advance that landlords of non-subsidized tenancies must notify tenants of rent increases. This will help tenants prepare for rent increases and assess their options for addressing them. The notice period increased from 30 to 60 days, but remains 30 days for subsidized tenancies where rent is based on household-specific circumstances.

Manufactured/mobile homes

HB 1582 added tenant protections to the Manufactured and Mobile
Home Landlord Tenant Act, like increasing the notice to pay or vacate period from 5 to 14 days and allowing a court to limit the sharing of information about an eviction notice.

SB 5183 expanded eligibility for the Manufactured and Mobile Home Relocation Assistance program, which helps with the costs of relocating and securing other housing when a mobile home park closes.

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28 Jun

2019 Session Recap Series: Issue 2

Issue 2: Prioritizing Community Health and Wellness

Olympia, June 28, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

Welcome to Issue 2 of my summer e-newsletter series, which gives an overview of some key policies we worked to pass into law this year. This issue will focus on legislation that will promote health and wellness in our communities.

Remember, you can also find information about successful bills I sponsored this year in my April 19th Update from Olympia. All of the bills discussed there passed and will become law.

Health Care Equity

This year, the Legislature continued to demonstrate Washington’s commitment to protect and expand access to quality, affordable health care.

HB 1870 protects the gains we’ve made in access to healthcare coverage in recent years thanks to the Affordable Care Act, such as prohibiting pre-existing condition exemptions and the lifetime benefits caps. At the same time, we’re expanding options for healthcare coverage for those who are struggling in our current system.

SB 5526 creates Cascade Care, the first public healthcare option in the country, which will decrease the cost of premiums, copays, and other out-of-pocket expenses for those who purchase coverage on the individual health insurance market. This will be available to all Washingtonians who are not covered through an employer, regardless of income.

The budget we passed this year even includes funding for a Pathway to Universal Coverage, which will join stakeholder groups to prepare a plan for implementing a universal healthcare system in Washington.

HB 1087 establishes the first long term care benefit in the nation. This will help families mitigate the high costs of the care our aging community members need.

SB 5602 removes barriers to reproductive health care on the basis of gender identity and expands access for our trans neighbors. The operating budget takes that one step further by funding a program to provide access to reproductive health care for immigrants, regardless of their immigration or citizenship status.

We also took steps to reverse health disparities and expand access to health care for Native Americans (SB 5415), Pacific Islanders (SB 5274), immigrant communities (SB 5846) and underrepresented communities at risk of maternal mortality (SB 5425).

Advancing Public Health in Community & Workplace

Nurse Rest Breaks

After many years of trying, this year we finally passed HB 1155, adding new requirements for uninterrupted rest periods for nurses and techs, and closing the loophole that employers previously used to get around the ban on mandatory overtime by regularly relying on prescheduled on-call shifts. Frontline workers doing patient care deserve regular and consistent breaks. This is essential to patient safety, and it’s a matter of respect for a workforce that has historically been and continues to be predominantly women. I’m proud that this year we worked with both healthcare workers and their employers to develop a policy that will ensure protections for patients and workers in a manner that is feasible for employers, too.


The recent measles outbreak in our state caused a lot of concern, and we heard from constituents about the risks posed by the growing number of unvaccinated children attending our schools. Children too young to be vaccinated and individuals with compromised immune systems will be better protected from serious preventable diseases thanks to HB 1638, which removes the personal belief exemption from the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination requirements. The measure still allows for medical and religious exemptions to the MMR requirement.

Environmental Justice

My HEAL Act bill (SB 5489) did not become law, but with a bi-partisan effort led by women of color in the House and Senate, we obtained a budget proviso that funds an environmental justice task force, which will be co-chaired by environmental justice community leadership. The purpose will be to identify health disparities from environmental impacts and determine how state agencies can incorporate environmental justice principles into their work.

Worker Health and Safety

HB 1817 ensures the workforce in our high hazard facilities is skilled and properly trained.

HB 1756 adds heightened protections for the safety and security of adult entertainers and requires that workers receive worker rights and safety training.

SB 5550 will establish a Pesticide Application Safety Committee to help us use new technology and farming methods to promote best practices and training to achieve as close to zero pesticide drift as possible, protecting workers and surrounding communities from exposure.

SB 5258 requires employers of certain isolated workers, such as janitors, housekeepers, and security guards, to provide extra protection to prevent sexual assault, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace.

SB 5035 provides workers on public works contracts protections against violations of prevailing wage laws and wage theft.

HB 1568 expands opportunities for port district worker development and occupational programs.

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28 May

2019 Session Recap Series: Issue 1

Issue 1: Protecting Our Environment from Climate Change

Olympia, May 28, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

Welcome to my summer e-newsletter series. Now that the 2019 legislative session has come to a close, I’ll give you an overview of some key policies we worked to get passed into law this year, spread over several segments in this series.

You can also find information about successful bills I sponsored this year in my April 19th Update from Olympia. I’m happy to report that all of the bills discussed there made the final passage deadline and will become law.

It has been an honor to serve you by representing the 37th Legislative District in the Senate. I’ll be reporting back to the district this Saturday, and you’re invited!

Green Transportation

House Bill 2042 facilitates the transition to vehicles with cleaner fuels with. It increases access to electric vehicle (EV) incentives, creates an EV car share program, and improves incentives for commercial fleet conversion, making it a more viable option. Importantly, this legislation makes incentives accessible even to lower-income drivers and riders.

We can’t make the transition to green transportation without addressing other modes of transportation, such as buses, trucks, ferries and ships. That’s why House Bill 1512 provides for assistance in the electrification of these vehicles and vessels, aiding the collaboration of ports with utilities to create the infrastructure necessary for the transition.

Moving forward, green transportation legislation should focus on relieving the harm caused by our existing system, such as salmon-blocking culverts under our roads and stormwater runoff pollution.

Reducing Emissions

Legislation we passed this year makes our state one of the first to commit broadly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electricity while adopting a precise action plan to do so. It will take innovation and cooperation from all sectors throughout Washington to make this transition possible.

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21 May

Saldaña receives Municipal League award for voting rights legislation

OLYMPIA – Today Gov. Jay Inslee signed legislation that will implement the 2018 Washington Voting Rights Act by requiring timely elections for governing body positions after districting plans are modified.

This comes shortly after the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle), was awarded the King County Municipal League’s Joaquin G. Avila award, which honors those who have made significant contributions toward full and fair civic engagement.

Last year, Saldaña sponsored the 2018 Washington Voting Rights Act (WVRA), which established rules to ensure the fairness of elections and removed barriers to fair representation by empowering local communities and their elected leaders to voluntarily change their election systems to ones that allow every community to be fairly represented in local government.

Today the governor signed into law Senate Bill 5266, also sponsored by Saldaña. This law will expedite implementation of the WVRA by requiring jurisdictions to hold timely elections for all positions under the new election system, rather than allowing those elected under the old system to serve out their entire terms.

“Voting rights should not wait for the convenience of those holding power,” said Saldaña. “These timely elections are needed to ensure local governments will represent every community. The new election systems under the WVRA will improve representation of our historically underrepresented communities. Fair representation is too important to wait for election schedules convenient to those in power.”

Saldaña received the Joaquin G. Avila award at the Municipal League’s 60th Annual Civic Awards, which recognize “elected officials, public employees, other citizen groups, the news media, and individual citizens who make outstanding contributions to the community and to better government.”

Over the course of his career as a civil rights attorney, Joaquin G. Avila, former president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, fought to protect voting rights from discrimination, participating in the litigation of over 70 voting rights cases.

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