Issue 1: Protecting Our Environment from Climate Change
Olympia, May 28, 2019
Dear Neighbors,
Welcome to my summer e-newsletter series. Now that the 2019 legislative session has come to a close, I’ll give you an overview of some key policies we worked to get passed into law this year, spread over several segments in this series.
You can also find information about successful bills I sponsored this year in my April 19th Update from Olympia. I’m happy to report that all of the bills discussed there made the final passage deadline and will become law.
It has been an honor to serve you by representing the 37th Legislative District in the Senate. I’ll be reporting back to the district this Saturday, and you’re invited!

Green Transportation
House Bill 2042 facilitates the transition to vehicles with cleaner fuels with. It increases access to electric vehicle (EV) incentives, creates an EV car share program, and improves incentives for commercial fleet conversion, making it a more viable option. Importantly, this legislation makes incentives accessible even to lower-income drivers and riders.
We can’t make the transition to green transportation without addressing other modes of transportation, such as buses, trucks, ferries and ships. That’s why House Bill 1512 provides for assistance in the electrification of these vehicles and vessels, aiding the collaboration of ports with utilities to create the infrastructure necessary for the transition.
Moving forward, green transportation legislation should focus on relieving the harm caused by our existing system, such as salmon-blocking culverts under our roads and stormwater runoff pollution.

Reducing Emissions
Legislation we passed this year makes our state one of the first to commit broadly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from electricity while adopting a precise action plan to do so. It will take innovation and cooperation from all sectors throughout Washington to make this transition possible.

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