OLYMPIA – Daniel Zipperer, 14, served as a page in the Washington State Senate during the week of February 14.

Pages are typically sponsored by the senator from their legislative district. Sen. Rebecca Saldaña (D-Seattle) sponsored Zipperer’s week in the Legislature.

The page program offers a hands-on opportunity for students to find out how state government works. The interactive learning experience includes classes focused on topics like budget writing and how a bill becomes a law, which culminates in pages creating their own bills in a mock committee setting. The educational experience is furthered by guest speakers.

“I had the most fun this week sitting in on a meeting between my senator’s staff and her constituents and listening to how the constituents asked for what they wanted,” said Zipperer.

Pages also have the opportunity to work on the Senate floor. Their maroon coats and credentials allow them access to all parts of the Capitol Campus.

“The most interesting thing that I got to do was work on the Senate floor and see how the bills are introduced and how they are debated between the Members.  I was really surprised how many bills are passed with bipartisan support. Most of the bills were passed almost unanimously and that has been very surprising.  The friendly relationships between members of opposing parties is very surprising, but also gratifying,” added Zipperer.

“This experience has shown me that there is a lot more that someone can do to be a part of government than just run for Office, there are so many different people doing different jobs here and they are all just trying to make our lives better.  I could see myself in one of those roles later in life,” remarked Zipperer.

Zipperer is in 8th grade at Our Lady of the Lake school. In his free time, he enjoys rowing, Boy Scouts, and drama/theater.


For more information about the Senate Page Program, contact SenatePageProgram@leg.wa.gov