Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

I am honored to announce I have been named interim chair of the Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee. Washington state has unparalleled natural beauty, and our economy relies on the responsible management of our natural resources. My priority is — and always will be — building the best possible future for all Washingtonians. 

The committee’s main goal is to oversee bills that address our state’s water, forest, and soil resources. Bills passed in the committee support Washington’s thriving agriculture sector, manage over two million acres of publicly owned forests and water rights, conserve fish and wildlife, and provide outdoor recreational opportunities for millions of people. 

Washington state owes much of its prosperity to its natural resources. Our water supports a multibillion-dollar agriculture industry and one of the nation’s most prominent commercial fishing economies and allows us to generate one-third of the nation’s hydroelectric power. This prosperity can be the sustainable foundation of a bright future. 

Unfortunately, our state’s water supply faces several threats. Climate change, drought, pollution, and a growing population all risk undercutting the tremendous work we’ve done to protect and enhance our waterways. 

In the past few decades, we’ve also seen increasingly severe forest fires. Fires destroy homes, threaten lives, and cost our state over $150 million per year. We need to ensure we take care of our forests by reducing the risk posed by fire without worsening the problem down the line. We can, and must, develop sound forest management policies that keep our state safe. 

It’s not just our economy; access to nature has tremendous benefits for both physical and mental wellbeing. Time outside can reduce stress, improve your attention, and help you live a longer, fuller life. Protecting and improving our parks will always have a deep personal meaning for me. Our parks help foster a deep sense of connection to our state, and we are charged with preserving them for future generations. 

Washington’s abundance of stunning beauty and varied natural resources have always been a cornerstone of our state’s success. I am committed to keeping it that way. 


Stay involved! 

Remember, your voice is integral to the lawmaking process and helps guide us to shape better policy. 

I’d love to continue hearing from you and look forward to learning more about your priorities as we look toward the 2025 session. Send me an email at or give me a call at 360-786-7662. 


Sincerely yours,