OLYMPIA — The 86,000 patients in Washington with kidney disease would have a greater hope of someday receiving a transplant—the only lifesaving treatment—under a bill passed unanimously by the Senate late Friday. “When organ donors are considering giving the gift of new life to another person, they should not be punished by higher premiums for their health insurance or life insurance,” ...
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OLYMPIA — Communities in Washington would have access to an innovative new approach to local public health improvements under a bill passed by a bipartisan majority of the Senate this afternoon. SB 5052 would establish a Health Equity Zones program in Washington to address health disparities in communities of color and other communities with disproportionately poor health outcomes—from pre-term births ...
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OLYMPIA — Frontline workers who are infected with COVID-19 would receive medical coverage and partial wage replacement for lost work hours under the Health Emergency Labor Standards Act (HELSA), passed today by the Senate on a vote of 48-1. “HELSA would take a big step to assure frontline workers that they will be kept informed about what is happening in their ...
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OLYMPIA — After the State Auditor’s Office announced that sensitive information about 1.6 million unemployment insurance claimants had been stolen from a private-sector, third-party contractor in a data breach, Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Des Moines), released this statement: “I am shocked at this huge breach of personal financial account information, including bank account information and social security numbers, allowed by the ...
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OLYMPIA — After SB 5061 passed the House today on a vote of 89-8, reflecting the similarly overwhelming bipartisan margin by which it passed the Senate on Wednesday, Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Des Moines), the bill’s sponsor, released this statement:
“Tonight, the Legislature has hit a home run for the people of Washington. “As soon as Gov. Inslee signs it, this bill ...Read More

All businesses in Washington would see significant relief from unemployment taxes, including reductions in bills due in April, if SB 5061 is passed by the Legislature by mid-February. The bill, which passed on the Senate floor today with an overwhelming bipartisan majority, has an emergency clause and would take effect as soon as Governor Inslee signs it into law. ...
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DES MOINES — Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Des Moines), chair of the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee, released the following statement today after Gov. Jay Inslee released his proposed 2021 COVID response proposal:
“In a crisis like this awful pandemic, we have to ...
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OLYMPIA — In the wake of a deadly crane collapse in Seattle in April, the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee is considering stronger enforcement and higher fines in cases of serious safety violations.
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Businesses and workers are hurting right now, and we need federal assistance to get them the help they need. Legislative leaders from both chambers co-signed a bipartisan letter that lays out detailed requests for unemployment insurance provisions and funding that should be included in further COVID-19 relief legislation that is badly needed before the end of the ...
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DES MOINES — Today Sen. Karen Keiser (D-Des Moines), the President Pro Tempore of the Washington State Senate, released the following statement in response to news reports that the Lieutenant Governor is attending seminary in California:
“The Washington State Senate rules provide that, in the absence of the Lieutenant Governor, the President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall preside. “If called upon, ...Read More