Category Archives: E-News/News Release

13 Mar

Inslee signs legislation redefining state’s hate crime laws

OLYMPIA – Legislation to update the state’s hate crime law to include defacement of public property was signed into law today by Gov. Jay Inslee. Sen. Andy Billig (D-Spokane) introduced Senate Bill 5917 in response to vandalism of Spokane LGBTQ+ ...

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04 Mar

Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig will not seek re-election

OLYMPIA – Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig (D-Spokane) announced today that he will not seek re-election in 2024. Billig, who was first elected to the Legislature in 2010, will finish his current term and continue to serve as majority leader ...

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02 Feb

Legislation redefining state’s hate crime laws clears Senate

OLYMPIA – Legislation to update the state’s hate crime law to include defacement of public property passed the Washington State Senate on a 35-14 bipartisan vote on Friday. Sen. Andy Billig (D-Spokane) introduced Senate Bill 5917 in response to vandalism ...

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24 Jan

Cutoffs and Protecting the Spokane River

Dear friends and neighbors, Entering the fourth week of session, we are rapidly approaching the first policy committee cutoff. Any bill that has not been passed out of its policy committee by 5pm on Wednesday, January 31st will not progress ...

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22 Jan

Tax Credit Update and How to Testify on a Bill

Dear friends and neighbors, It is week three of the legislative session and bills are moving through their respective policy committees and onto the floor. This newsletter includes an update on the Working Families Tax Credit, an important tax rebate ...

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10 Jan

We Want to Hear From You!

Dear friends and neighbors, We are back in Olympia for the legislative session and we need your input. Join us Tuesday, January 16th, at 7pm for a live, interactive tele-town hall meeting. This will be an opportunity for you to ...

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29 Nov

Majority Leader Re-Election and Billig’s Bills

Dear friends and neighbors, I am grateful to my Senate colleagues for re-electing me as the Washington State Senate Majority Leader. Since I was first elected as Majority Leader in 2018, my focus has been on leading the Senate to ...

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29 Aug

Community meeting to address impact of Blake decision

A public meeting to explore how Washington can navigate the intersection of substance use disorder and the criminal justice system in light of the 2021 Blake decision is scheduled for 5 p.m. Sept. 14 at the Central Library in Spokane. ...

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02 May

Billig: Top credit ratings are the “definition of fiscal responsibility”

Citing “strong fiscal governance” and “strong fiscal management practices,” the nation’s top credit rating agencies agree that the work of Washington’s budget writers should result in the state maintaining its strong credit ratings. Moody’s (Aaa), S&P (AA+) and Fitch (AA+) ...

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19 Mar

On to the Interim and Save the Date

Last week we wrapped up the 2022 legislative session, adjourning sine die on Thursday night. For the moment, gone are the days of Senate floor debates, cutoff dates, and committee hearings. This week, we begin the part of the year called ...

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