Phone Numbers
Olympia Office
Legislative Hotline
Telephone Relay Service
1.800.833.6384 (voice)
1.800.833.6388 (TTY)
Olympia Office
Legislative Hotline
Telephone Relay Service
1.800.833.6384 (voice)
1.800.833.6388 (TTY)
Sen. Lisa Wellman
218 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40441
Olympia, WA 98504-0403
Email Sen. Lisa Wellman here.
Noah Burgher
Legislative Assistant
Email or 360.786.7641
Miles Sari
Communications Specialist
Email or 360.786.7782
Click here for Sen. Wellman’s print quality official portrait.
To request public records from Sen. Wellman, please contact the Senate Public Records Office.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: Please note, any email and any documents you send this office may be subject to disclosure requirements under the state Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.