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Preserving diversity, equity, and inclusion in Washington

Preserving diversity, equity, and inclusion in Washington

Dear neighbors, This week, I had the privilege of introducing a ...

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About Lisa

A passionate advocate for education, Lisa began her career as a public school teacher but changed course in the 1980s becoming a systems analyst and programmer. She was recruited by Apple Computer to head up commercial publishing for the company’s U.S. markets. Her success with Apple in the 90’s led to her promotion as VP of Worldwide Publishing, Entertainment and New Media Markets.

She earned a B.A., Summa Cum Laude, from Barat College of DePaul University and in her spare time enjoys photography, travel, reading and bridge. She has two daughters and a grandson and resides on Mercer Island.

Read Sen. Wellman’s full biography here.

Lisa In The News

The Columbian: Should WA schools restrict cellphones? One district has.

The Columbian: Should WA schools restrict cellphones? One district has.

With fingers crossed, Gig Harbor’s Peninsula School District made the move to ban social media access and restrict cellphone use in classrooms this year. There has been less pushback than anticipated and some surprising gains, one district official said. “We came out of the pandemic and realized something has changed about students and their relationships with their devices,” said Kris Hagel, ...

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Axios: Washington may lower mandatory school age from 8 to 6

Axios: Washington may lower mandatory school age from 8 to 6

Washington is the only state in the nation that doesn't require kids to go to school until age 8 — but that could change this year. What's happening: A bill in Washington's Legislature would lower the state's compulsory age for school attendance ...

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Kitsap Sun:Lawmakers eye reforms to address special education students sent out of state

Kitsap Sun:Lawmakers eye reforms to address special education students sent out of state

Alarmed at the number of special education students shipped away from Washington, state lawmakers and education officials hope to use this legislative session to increase oversight of kids sent out of state, prohibit or limit the use of isolation and restraint, and ultimately find a way to bring those students back home.

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