28th Legislative District Team

Sen. T’wina Nobles
Chair, Higher Education & Workforce DevelopmentSen. T'wina Nobles brings two decades of experience in education and community leadership to her role as chair of the Higher Education & Workforce Development Committee as well as vice chair of the Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee. She also sits on the Transportation Committee.

Rep. Mari Leavitt
Vice Chair, HousingState Rep. Mari Leavitt is a mom, small business owner, education and PTSA leader, and strong supporter of Washington’s military families. As a child of a military family and former Deputy Director of Pierce County Human Services, Rep. Leavitt is well aware of the pressing needs for service-members, veterans, and their families including health care, housing assistance, substance use disorder services, and other supports.

Rep. Dan Bronoske
2nd Vice Chair, TransportationBorn and raised in Pierce County, state Rep. Dan Bronoske served six years with the Washington Army National Guard. He is also a 21-year firefighter and 22-year EMT working to help keep the communities of Lakewood, University Place, and Steilacoom safe.