Dear friends and neighbors, Have you been to the airport lately? If so, you may have noticed signs popping up at Sea-Tac informing you that beginning in 2018 your Washington state driver’s license will no longer be considered valid identification for air travel. This is because our state is noncompliant with federal ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, We all know that the second you drive your brand new car off the lot, it begins to lose its value – rapidly. According to the Kelley Blue Book, a two-year-old car is only worth 59 percent of its original sticker price. Taxes and fees to fund Sound ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, When you think about King County, you think about skyscrapers, traffic jams and a booming tech industry. However, King County also contains large swaths of rural land, and much of that rural land lies within the borders of the 5th Legislative District. As I represent this unique ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, As the owner of a pizza restaurant and ice cream parlor, I see firsthand the impact that small businesses have on their communities. Small mom-and-pop shops provide jobs, sponsor little league teams and provide places to gather. These shops truly define a community’s character. After all, what ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, This is the time of year when high school students across the state put the finishing touches on their college application packets and begin to research financial aid options. Needless to say, applying to college can be stressful and daunting for both students and their parents. What shouldn’t ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, On Tuesday, I introduced Senate Bill 5825 that offers a moderate approach to fully funding our schools and resolving the state’s McCleary lawsuit. One of my top priorities this session was to work hard to protect your local investments and find a way to make sure ...
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Dear friends and neighbors, Often when people think of the work that the Legislature does in Olympia, they think of big budgets, massive transportation projects and complex public policy. In reality, a lot of the work we do flies under the radar. One of the parts of my job that I value ...
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