Author Archives: akerndl

24 Jan

WA State Standard: WA lawmaker wants to make voting mandatory … sort of?

State Sen. Sam Hunt, D-Olympia, has introduced a bill to make voting compulsory in Washington. But under Hunt’s legislation, there’d be no punishment for citizens who ignore the requirement. Senate Bill 5209 calls for adding a sentence on every ballot that ...

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23 Jan

Week 3 of the legislative session

Dear friends and neighbors,  Welcome to week three of the legislative session! We’ve got just about a week and a half left before our first deadline of the session—Jan. 31. That’s when policy bills will need to make it through ...

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15 Jan

What’s coming up this week in the legislature + a quick recap on week one

Dear friends and neighbors,   Week one of the legislative session was packed with public hearings on so many important bills.   Click the photo below to see powerful testimony on a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow voters to ...

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09 Jan

Sens. Hunt, Wellman seek bipartisan support for school construction legislation: 4 Republicans needed to pass in Senate

OLYMPIA— A resolution introduced in the Senate calls for a Washington state constitutional amendment to allow school bond issues to pass with support from a simple majority of school district voters. Currently, a 60% supermajority is needed to approve bonds ...

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09 Jan

Week 1 of session is underway!

Dear friends and neighbors,   It’s week one of the 2024 legislative session! We have A LOT of important things to accomplish in just 60 days.   Here’s what I have going on this week:   On Tuesday, in the Senate State Government ...

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04 Jan

2024 legislative session starts next week!

Dear friends and neighbors,   I’m happy to welcome my colleagues back to our district as we get ready to kick off the 2024 legislative session on Jan. 8.  During the last session we approved our biennial budgets, and this year, ...

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