To provide important information on the coronavirus pandemic, I hosted a virtual town hall last week with my seatmates, Rep. Sharon Wylie and Rep. Monica Stonier, and we streamed the meeting live on our Facebook websites.
Knowing how the pandemic has impacted all our lives, we knew the vast majority of questions would be about the coronavirus — and so we asked Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County’s incredibly knowledgeable public health director — if it was possible for him to carve out time from his frenzied schedule to join us. Happily, the answer was yes, and Dr. Melnick opened our forum wit an informative, 15-minute update on the pandemic, which was then followed by questions from those watching. While most of the questions focused on additional aspects of the pandemic, we also fielded questions on infrastructure, budget cuts, and other topics on people’s minds.
If you missed the virtual meeting but would like to view it, you can watch it on Facebook by clicking this link. (QUICK TIP: Skip forward to the 2-minute mark to avoid the opening music that played while we were making sure Dr. Melnick and my seatmates and I had clear, working video connections from our respective homes.) Additionally, since we heard from a number of constituents who do not have Facebook accounts, CVTV has posted the virtual meeting here — and this version edits out the two-minute delay at the start of the Facebook version.
I hope you find the virtual meeting as informative as we did.