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Session Aide Takeover

Session Aide Takeover

Photo: Session Aide Maddie Sontag on the House Floor for the Intern Mock Debate.  Hello! My name is Maddie Sontag, and I have had the privilege of working for Senator Billig for the last 3 months. It is tradition in this office for the intern to take-over the newsletter for a week. I was the intern for the first month of ...

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Washington Leading the Way on Reproductive Health

Washington Leading the Way on Reproductive Health

Photo: The cherry blossoms in full bloom at the Washington State Capitol this week.

Dear friends and neighbors,

Today marks the 96th day of the legislative session, and with only 9 more to go, we are officially in the home stretch. We are now focused primarily on negotiating final budgets and concurrences as we head toward Sine Die (the last day of ...

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Budget Update

Budget Update

Photo: Senator Billig on the Senate Floor.

Friends and neighbors,

Today marks the 93rd day of the 105-day legislative session. This week we are passing bills from the opposite chamber and also starting the process of reconciling the House and Senate budgets so we can arrive at final budgets that deliver for the people of Washington state and have enough support to ...

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Town Hall Follow Up

Town Hall Follow Up

Friends and neighbors, Thank you all for a productive Town Hall meeting this past Saturday. We had a huge turnout, with over 200 people showing up to participate, ask questions, and hear about what we are doing in the Legislature for Spokane. Representative Riccelli and I gave a short presentation, followed by over an hour of audience questions and answers. Topics ranged ...

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WA Tax Credit Begins This Month & More

WA Tax Credit Begins This Month & More

Dear friends and neighbors, The session is flying by as we start the fifth week of the legislative session. February is Black History Month. The national celebration is an opportunity to remember not only national figures, but also local heroes, like Sandy Williams. Williams worked for over 40 years to inspire change in her community, especially within the East Central neighborhood. Her ...

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Protecting the Spokane River

Protecting the Spokane River

We are currently in the middle of the third week of the Legislative session. This time of session consists mostly of meeting with constituents, working on bill development, and lots of time in committees for bill hearings and votes. The first cut-off date, policy committee cut-off, will be February 17, which is when we will shift gears to the next ...

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MLK Jr. Day, Tele-Town Hall, and New Staff

MLK Jr. Day, Tele-Town Hall, and New Staff

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and reflect on Dr. King’s legacy. His leadership is an example to us all about how to lead with courage and conviction as we fight for justice.

We will start the second week of the legislative session today with ceremonies to honor Dr. King. The also Senate ...

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Save the Date: Tele-Town Hall, Tues. January 17

Save the Date: Tele-Town Hall, Tues. January 17

Please join me, Reps Ormsby and Riccelli on Tuesday, January 17th for an update on the 2023 legislative session, and plenty of time to answer your questions.

  • Who: State Sen. Andy Billig, State Reps. Timm Ormsby and Marcus Riccelli
  • What: Telephone Town Hall
  • When: Tuesday, Jan. 17, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Constituents will receive automatically generated telephone calls to their homes ...

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Opening Day 2023

Opening Day 2023

Dear friends and neighbors, At noon today, Lieutenant Governor Denny Heck, who serves as President of the Senate, gaveled the Washington State Senate to order for the first time in 2023. The beginning of the 2023 Legislative session means the commencement of the two year cycle in which the odd-numbered years are 105 day “long” sessions when we create the two-year operating, ...

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New Year, New Session!

New Year, New Session!

Happy New Year! The calendar turning to a new year also means a new Legislative session is upon us. The 2023 session begins on Monday, January 9th. My priorities going into session, as always, are to help build opportunity and prosperity for the people of Spokane and throughout our great state. Based on the needs in our community, my specific areas ...

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