Legislative Update: Thank you for your input

22 Mar

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Town Hall Update

Thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy lives to participate in the 37th Legislative District town hall. It was a huge success! The discussion was robust and civil – a true testament to the democratic process. I am honored to represent such a well-informed and engaged group of people.

We discussed a wide range of topics, including:

  • Broken tax system and the need for new revenue from fair sources
  • Education funding
  • Caring for foster kids
  • Gun safety
  • Health care
  • Damaging effects of Republican and Trump policies coming out of Washington D.C.
  • Federal immigration policy

I also want to thank the wonderful panelists who came to share with us about the work they do for the 37th District, and the advocacy they take on in Olympia. The panelists were:

  • Sue Cary, Grandmothers Against Gun Violence
  • Robert Beiser, Seattle Against Slavery
  • Sameth Mell, Coalition of Immigrants, Refugees, and Communities of Color
  • Cash Carlos, Washington Care Services

If you were unable to make it to the town hall or did not get your question answered, please feel free to contact my office.

Town hall 2017

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Saldana Stay in Touch

Olympia Office

230 John A. Cherberg Building

Phone: (360) 786-7688

Email: Rebecca.Saldana@leg.wa.gov

Website: www.sdc.wastateleg.org/saldana


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