Every year, hundreds of bills pass through the Senate and House of Representatives. Some bills get a lot of attention, while others get little or no attention. Below are a few bills that passed the Senate that you may not have heard about but which will improve the lives of Washingtonians.
- SB 5833 This provides a small increase for our honored retired teachers who, after a career of service, live on very modest fixed incomes. There is more work to do, but this bill is a good start.
- SB 5614 Increases diversion opportunities for juvenile offenders. These are measures to deal with offenses besides incarceration, including community service or behavioral management classes.
- SB 5712 Creates the Bilingual Educator Initiative to encourage bilingual Washington students to become teachers.
- SB 5835 Improves health outcomes by making accommodations for pregnant workers. The U.S. maternal and mortality rates are some of the highest among developed nations, particularly for women of color. This anti-discrimination bill is key to healthier outcomes for mothers and babies.
- SB 5107 This bill helps reduce the number of barriers to use local and private funds to expand early childhood education.
- SB 5141 This exempts yoga schools from licensure and regulatory requirements for private vocational schools.
- SB 5236 This ensures students in K-12 schools are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to engage effectively in government.
- SB 5357 This requires the Department of Early Learning to create outdoor, nature-based early learning and child care programs.
- SB 5077 This authorizes the Department of Corrections to provide temporary housing assistance for women released from the Washington Corrections Center.
Women of the Senate Democratic Caucus celebrate International Women’s Day
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