30th Legislative District Team

Sen. Claire Wilson

Chair, Senate Human Services Committee

Claire Wilson’s legislative work has built on her 25 years at the Puget Sound Educational Services District, where she was an administrator in early education and family involvement. Prior to that, Claire taught pregnant and parenting teens at Mt. Tahoma High School and was a senior grants and contracts manager for the City of Seattle’s teen parent programs.

Rep. Kristine Reeves

Vice chair, House Consumer Protection & Business Committee

Kristine Reeves is a working mom who understands the balance between working hard to succeed and raising a family. That’s why she is a strong advocate for working families, protecting our kids, honoring our veterans, and sponsoring opportunities that fight for a future that includes us all.

Rep. Jamila Taylor

Chair, House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee

Jamila (jah-mee-lah) is an attorney, youth advocate and small business owner with a passion for community service and a commitment to serving the public good. She lives in Federal Way and was elected to the Legislature in 2020. Jamila has professional experience supporting young people facing conflict, school suspension or expulsion, homelessness or other risk factors for youth violence. She also has experience managing a network of attorneys representing domestic violence survivors and other crime victims.